Top Gear on sunday has a special guest


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Apr 26, 2006
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Lewis Hamilton returns to Top Gear | Formula 1 | Formula 1 news, live F1 | ESPN F1

Lewis Hamilton has returned to the BBC motoring programme Top Gear in an attempt to set a new lap record in its "reasonably-priced car".

Hamilton has appeared on the hit TV show in 2007 but was faced with a wet track and was unable to get the most out of Top Gear's Suzuki Liana. However, he is set to appear on the programme again this weekend and the BBC said the conditions were much better for his more recent attempt.

"This time the track is dry and Lewis is taking no prisoners in his attempts to smash the lap record," the channel said.

Hamilton managed at 1:44.7 on his last attempt on the TV show, which is 0.7s off Sebastian Vettel's record at the top of the leader board. Rubens Barrichello (1:44.3), The Stig (1:44.4) and Nigel Mansell (1:44.6) are also ahead of Hamilton but all had the advantage of a dry track.

The programme will air in the UK at 20:00 on BBC 2 this Sunday.

i know im probably the biggest (out of the few) hammy fans around here, but i thought i would give everyone a heads up anyway lol.

its safe to say i will be watching tv at 20.00 on sunday. i bet jezza gives him some crap for jumping ship to the mercs.
As will I.
after his last lap, the original stig said he didn't know how he did it, considering the conditions.
so this should be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now i want to see Valentino Rossi do a lap. Fat chance i guess as he said no to a Ferrari drive some years ago in favour of MOTOGP. and Clarkson is anally opposed to bikes
Maybe we should have a bet on if hammy beats the stigs time. Safest bet in the world after coming so close in the wet
Cheers for the heads up Rawsy I really should set it too be
I'd suggest having a bet on whether he's a cocky nob, but I think it's a bit of a foregone conclusion... I used to really like him but have gone off him quite a lot in e past two seasons or so.
i feel its the other way around. he started off a cocky knob but as far as i can see has matured both on and off track. but hay ho we are all entiteled to our opinions. also on sunday dont type 102 on your remote at around 8pm lol
thanks glad I looked in here will be good to see him back been looking forward to this for a long time :)
What a time!!! I'd like to see alonso go on and give it a go. Can't see it happening though