thugs sliced off rabbits ears


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2008
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A SCHOOLGIRL returned home from holiday to find her pet rabbit horrifically mutilated — after sick thugs chopped FOUR INCHES off his ears.

Four-month-old Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off when cruel yobs snatched him from his hutch.

As this heartbreaking picture shows, Thumper — a Netherlands-cross — has been left with bloodied stumps.

A cigarette burn mark can also be seen in the fur on his forehead.


The terrified animal went missing for almost 12 hours after the ordeal, terrified and traumatised by what he went through.

Thumper had been sleeping in his hutch in the garden of his owner's home in Salterbeck, Workington, in Cumbria, when the attack happened overnight.

A police hunt is now under way for those responsible, with officers describing the crime as "horrendous".

Thumper's loving owner Charice White, aged ten, only discovered her pet's fate when she returned from a school trip to Paris on Saturday.

Her mum Joanne, who found Thumper two days earlier, said: "He had big floppy ears, but now he just has little stumps.

"The vet told us to keep the wounds clean and give him antibiotics."

Joanne's cousin Sharon Harkness, who cares for abandoned animals, said Thumper was recovering.

She said: "Anyone who does things like that to animals it is beyond words for me. They are cowards I think it's absolutely disgusting.

"Thumper has been really brave, because often rabbits and small animals will die from the stress of something like this. He's a real fighter."

Thugs sliced off rabbit's ears | The Sun |News

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I really hope the rabbits ok and the police do find out who done it. This is just another example of the type of people thats in are world today, how on earth could anyone stand there and do that to a rabbit.
I'm sick of seeing shit like this.

For christs sake its an animal that can't defend itself and these thugs think they are hard by doing it.

The culprits will be the usual suspects in 'lawless' Britain. Teens claiming their bored and have nothing to do.

Its about time this country gave up its namby pamby culture before we end up with a nation of psychos.

For fucks sake bring back corporal punishment for a start. Kids these days go through their entire school life knowing that there will be no comeback on their actions. Schools can't discipline them properly so they just carry on.
Then they leave school with the untouchable attitude and what happens. They can do what they like because the police hardly have any powers anymore. The little scrotes know the police can hardly touch them so it just gets worse and worse.

Its turning into a life cycle now. Bring back corporal punishment in schools and National Service for 1-2yrs when they've left if they don't learn a trade etc.
cronus they dont want them. Its turning into a life cycle now. Bring back corporal punishment in schools and National Service for 1-2yrs when they've left if they don't learn a trade etc.
y would u want a little shit bag backing u up wen guns r going off left right and centre ? there all hard at first ..little boys wen it goes of big
cronus they dont want them. Its turning into a life cycle now. Bring back corporal punishment in schools and National Service for 1-2yrs when they've left if they don't learn a trade etc.
y would u want a little shit bag backing u up wen guns r going off left right and centre ? there all hard at first ..little boys wen it goes of big

I understand that and agree with it. Its not fair to dump them on the Army and to be glorified social workers.

Kids in this country need discipline though and it HAS to start in schools. What goes on today never happened 20-30+ yrs ago.

Or did it?

A lot of people say that the rise in sites such as Youtube encourage this behaviour. Its far too easy for kids to do this kind of thing and upload their 'heroics'