Other Thermal Paste


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VIP Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Still Lost and Looking for a Better Place.
I run out of thermal paste (which had been provided as part of a package) and began looking for a replacement.
I could not believe the difference in the price ranges !!
I know that the actual quantities vary (usually from 1g to 30g) but the prices range from literally a few pence per gram to £80-£90 a gram and in some cases several hundred pounds a gram !!
I cannot see that much of a variation in the performance levels of the pastes to justify the huge price disparity, is it just me or am I missing something ?
I always use Artic Silver 5 Paste for 3.5g its around £6, Cooler master is also a not bad for 2g its £1.50.

Must admit with the artic silver i have never had to change in years only an odd inspection now and again and its still performs well
Another vote for artic silver. 3.5g should last you for 5 or 6 applications.

Remember the paste is only there to fill the little imperfections between CPU packaging and base of heatsink. You only need a little blob in the centre and don't spread it. Once the CPU gets up to temp the paste will soften and the pressure from the heatsink will be enough to spread it.
I swtiched from AS-5 to MX-4. Performance wise they're about the same, but MX-4 is available in 20g syringes and is non-conductive.
Another vote for artic silver. 3.5g should last you for 5 or 6 applications.

Remember the paste is only there to fill the little imperfections between CPU packaging and base of heatsink. You only need a little blob in the centre and don't spread it. Once the CPU gets up to temp the paste will soften and the pressure from the heatsink will be enough to spread it.
Although Arctic recommend this "grain" method for MX-4, for AS5 they say to use the "line" method.

Then again I ignore both, and use the "cross" method whatever the compound ;)
Always just used artic silver 5 but people do prefer other brands, i think if you look at the better types, make your choice going by how much you can get for what price :) Using AS5 my i7 4770k is quite happy at 4.3ghz and it isnt a particularly good clocker so it needed plenty of voltage, would I get much of a lower temp with the same cooler and another brand of comparable paste? Probably not :)
I use MX-4, great thermal paste, have found it to reduce temps by up to 10 degrees! non conductive too so no worries if you get a little overspill.
I've always used the Arctic thermal paste for my customers pc, never been disappointed!