theoretical question cccam and nlines.


Inactive User
Jul 15, 2007
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on my way to brum brum
i have searched not just here but google as well. Ill post this as a theoretical question.

ok we have 2 cccam servers.

server a has a full sub package with a hd package but no certain sports channel

server b has a full sub package without hd but with the certain sports channel
what do they need to do so both servers and clients connected to them have access to the certain sports channels and HD.

would they both just have to have secondary nlines in there cccam # Connection settings for Incoming Services # as well as their own existing loopback nline for card?

also in each of there newcs.xml would they have to have a new user setup or can they just use the exisiting user thats set for the loopback, i.e. can each user and pass be used for multiple connections?

sorry to ask but i have been pulling my hair out and believe me i have little enough already.
i am actually doing this, i have a server in my house connected to several clients via web, my mate is on my wireless lan, he has some channels i dont have so all i did was get a c line from him with unlimited reshare and all my connected clients get it as a hop 2, no freezing issues with it...simples.....
ok , still tinkering with it in my head, if i couldnt get it to work with the nlines, what would be the number to set on reshare to make it unlimited?

no numbers at all eg....

F: user pass

no n lines at all needed..

you would then have C: 2ndserverip port num user pass

and you should be sorted.

youl have to open a different port on the router for the 2nd server and in 2nd server cccam.cfg change server listen port to that port number...
yeah it works a treat however getting some instability issues however i think its more to do with his router / internet setup, getting really high ecm times but ive got to go install a draytek vigor router down there in the next few days so i reckon it will improve greatly with this as his router is actually on its way out.

but yeah, works a treat, many thanks buddy
why dont you set each server up on different ports and give 2 c:lines out. that way they connect to both packages.. doing this will also put them back to hop 1.
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ok but why would changing the port make a difference is that not what ive done anyway? there both on unique IPs anyway why would the port make a difference?

have you set the port up for both boxes ip in the router.. i find it easier to set a port up for each box and give 2 lines out with each port number..

C: dyndns 12000 user pass
C: dyndns 12001 user pass
youll also have to change the port number in ccam to relevent number for each box..
have you set the port up for both boxes ip in the router.. i find it easier to set a port up for each box and give 2 lines out with each port number..

C: dyndns 12000 user pass
C: dyndns 12001 user pass

its routers my good man, these servers are in different locations.

currently have

server 1

f: server one
c: server2.dyndns 12000 server one

server 2

f: server two
c: 12000 server two

no need to set ports differently as they are completely different network in different locations.

both servers individual clients are getting each full package are they not?
sorry buddy assumed they are both in same location... in that case a c:line and f: line from one box to another and reshare as you have done... no numbers after f: line.. i do that with another server and get slow ecm's too... i cant do much about it we are 300 miles apart
yeah getting slow ecm times when it goes through the server, say a client on server 2 tunes into said sports channel which is on the card on server 1 ecm goes really high however if that client has its own dedicated cline the ecm times are fine.

anyadvice to lower ecm times.

i read somewhere you can clock the cards.. this is supposed to speed up times but can be bad for the card and cause it to burn out if you go too far.. so be careful..
also from experiene if you are both using tm's and newcs then you are going to hop 3 in reallity... newcs to cccam to cccam to client
also from experiene if you are both using tm's and newcs then you are going to hop 3 in reallity... newcs to cccam to cccam to client

so would an N line be better? if so what is the process?



does cccam take its clines in order.

i.e. if we where to give out dual clines to each client on either server but say server1s clients want primarily to be on server 1do it like this.

c: server one
c: server two

does cccam read the clines in order? so it will always use server1 first then server 2 if it needs to say for other channels on server 2 or if server 1 goes down?
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I cant comment on that buddy. I have never tried a N line.. or used one for that matter.. to be honest i got fed up of the tm's with the cccam issues and changed to dm500's. and only use cccam. It updates and works great now. I'm not calling the TM's they are great boxes to use as a client but wouldnt recommend as a server..
i might consider it you know getting a dm500. Im pretty sure that i read somewhere that cccam reads its lines in order always taking the first as priority.

anyways i`ll have a think.
