Terrarium TV - Premium v1.9.9


VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
some info on latest update

The latest version of Terrarium TV is v1.9.10, released on May 27th, 2018. Not that if you have paid for the ad-free version of Terrarium TV, you may not want to update. Changes to data that the app stores has broken the ad-free check in the version. You can choose to stay at v1.9.9 in the interim until a permanent solution is found. The message from the dev is as follows:

Sorry guys. Due to the removal of some sensitive permissions and the app now has no way to access or store email addresses. The “Remove Ads” feature is broken in version 1.9.10. Please use 1.9.9 if you can’t remove ads in v1.9.10 and ignore the update prompt. This should not be a big deal and we will fix it as fast as we can. Sorry for your inconvenience.

Please note that you are not forced to update this time.
The full change log is as follows:

  • Starting from version 1.9.10, only devices with Android OS version 4.1 or newer are supported.
  • Added more GoogleVideo links
  • Added more FastServer links
  • Added new providers
  • Added new hosts
  • Fixed a bug which can make TV season scraping fail
  • Fixed existing providers
  • Fixed existing URL resolvers
  • Disabled broken providers
  • Removed some sensitive permissions (e.g. Location, Contacts Access, etc)
  • Improved performance
  • Fixed bugs and crashes