Teenager is shot for his Xbox 360


Inactive User
Mar 10, 2005
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Where You Cant Find Me
A TEENAGER was shot three times when robbers burst into his home — to steal his Xbox.

They put a pistol in his mouth and threatened to shoot unless he handed over the £280 games console.

A struggle broke out as he went to fetch the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the victim, 18, was blasted point-blank.

One of the alleged robbers, 17, was stabbed. Both were last night “stable” in hospital.

It is thought to be the first time in Britain anybody has been shot for a games console.

A police spokesman said: “It’s fortunate the young man who was shot didn’t die.”

A source added: “You’re talking somebody being robbed and shot in their home for a games console. It’s the sort of thing you’d expect in America, not here. The violence used was extreme.”

Cops have appealed for anyone who saw two or three black men, one bleeding badly, after last Wednesday’s 3pm attack in Sydenham, South London.

They bailed one youth, aged 18, after the robbery.

The Xbox shooting follows a spate of robberies earlier this year after Sony released its PlayStation 3 console at games stores across Britain.

Crooks swooped on fans as soon as they left shops after the midnight launch
Why did they bail one of them ? What is this country coming to it scares me
no room in prisons so bail is ok for petty stuff like gun crime.... 8-(
And i'm sure the guy released would have blamed the dude with a bullet in him, so once he gets out of hospital he'll probably get arrested for attempted murder of 3 visitors to his home.
there not all druggies it is just the country has gone mad no respect for any body are any thing .
shot at point blank range and survived? thats bloody lucky
Ive already seen this on here but it is a pretty sick story all the same. what some people will do for a bit of money. they sould be beat to death with that very xbox.