tax on text messages


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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just off the wire

the government are considering applying a 2% tax to text messages from next year

with over 7 billion text messages being sent in the uk every year gordon brown says it will be a great revenue earner

we will watch with interest !!!!!!!
Its nice to see the UK isn't going to loose its crown as the highest taxed country in the world :)

Think how much though they could make if they taxed people on having a dump
Defiant said:
Its nice to see the UK isn't going to loose its crown as the highest taxed country in the world :)

Think how much though they could make if they taxed people on having a dump
rpmsl now that really would be a $hitey Tax :)
just been thinking more on this, how the feck can they Tax the texts when they already Tax the phone bill that the texts are included on already, they are feckin mad :mad:
Bronto said:
just been thinking more on this, how the feck can they Tax the texts when they already Tax the phone bill that the texts are included on already, they are feckin mad :mad:

That could be away around it for the phone companies. If they advertise it as free texts included like on a package I have they would not be able to add extra tax because its free. However pay and go customers would get shafted even more than they already are
and people still vote for these assholes they know they are going to lose money over stopping people smoking in public places so they find a new tax would be feckin genius if it was not the goverment who will spend it on shit we don't want instead of hopitals and schools or a police force that can keep order on our streets.
no chance ......chance

ok lets start a Web campaign and get everyone to email our local MP's saying do this and our vote goes elsewhere...they normally release these think tank ideas to check reaction.... if we dont react they do it....its in our hands...

Allroad, do you have a spanish mobile phone? If so, you'll know there is 16% tax on texts (as well as calls). Imagine how much income that would be if the uk followed. :)

oh yeah, just read Brontos post.... do you get 17and half percent tax on mobile phone bills aready?? If so, that really is takin the pi$$, lol.
People should be also banned from sending text messages in public buildings like pubs & where food is served :Jester: :Jester:

Maybe that comes a year or two later pmsl
Well, I've heard some things in my time, but this nearly takes the biscuit! Mind you, I suppose they'll have to drag back some of the taxes theyre loosing with all the people that will and have stopped smoking.