Super Mario Galaxy


[07.10.29] Update on Super Mario Galaxy Issue
In addition to the announcement made earlier today about Super Mario Galaxy, we are pleased to confirm that we have now identified the copy protection method responsible and created a fix.

In order to guarantee stability, we have had to make a fairly major change to the way the code works. While all tests have proven positive, the challenge now is to create a delivery system to allow existing Wiikeys to be updated.

As ever, we appreciate your patience and support while we do this.
yep, fix from wiikey 1.9g update

applied and tested game, all working fine now.
I've been keeping an eye on the development forums for the open source mods over at PSX Scene and it looks like WiiFree is pretty much dead.

Hope for a fix however is looking likely to come from YAOSM or OpenWii. Luckily they both use the same PIC type and connections (except LED's I think). There are test builds of OpenWii that can boot Galaxy but most people are testing on NTSC consoles, and they're by no means complete fixes. Still, it shouldn't be too long now! Anyone with a programmer willing to give the test builds a go?
this aint looking good for us wiifree owners, id bet this protection is gonna become the norm in the future, is there ne1 workin on a fix for wiifree
I've been keeping an eye on the development forums for the open source mods over at PSX Scene and it looks like WiiFree is pretty much dead.
Hope for a fix however is looking likely to come from YAOSM or OpenWii. Luckily they both use the same PIC type and connections (except LED's I think).

So, if I had a wiifree I could just replace it with a programmed YAOSM?
I have tried an openwii hex that is in a beta stage and it will boot smg on a pal machine providing you regionfree the smg as the region patching has been left out so it will fit on 12f629