Strawman-The nature of the cage


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Dec 4, 2004
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Some interesting information🤔

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ive been watching alot of this on youtube. a freeman of the land lol. some do get away with it it can be really funny. i put this one on my watch later.
i just watched it and boy did it drag on a bit but i am heavily medicated so it not all of it sunk in. there are a few things i will look at though. i will try to study the police oath a bit but quickly i wont spend too much time on it. will look at the few acts pace, stop and search and the other one. i will give an example of where i might try it.

one night i decided to walk home from a friends where i was having a few beers. i had to walk past some ss/ruc officers of course they harrassed me demanded all my details and made me pour out my drink and sent me on. i thought nothing of it. Then a while later a letter landed with a fine for drinking in public or whatever it was apparently there are signs. now had i had some of this information at the time of the stop it might have went a bit different or maybe not if you know about the ss/ruc.

i wouldnt try it by trying it on with the driving shite. saying youre not driving your traveling lol. or the stuff about the mortage.
I watched some flicked through others simply because it's 2hours long. Like most things in life there's a for and against for everything you only have to look at all the conspiracy theorys that are knocking about.

I can see some points and some valid points like the birth certificate discussion but if we're not registered and order given to our being then surely chaos will prevail.
I'm not disagreeing with it just some makes sense while others seem to find the bad points simply to discredit the good points.
Probably the one that I agree with is
That is so so true and needs to be addressed but it can't because you can't legally argue against it due to legalese will wrap you around it's finger in a washing machine full of jargon that, when stripped down makes absolutely no sense what so ever
I found the section dealing with debt collectors interesting...
I’ve not had many dealings with the police but recall one time I was in bad rtc and I ended up in hospital with a fractured back. I was in extreme pain and the constable did not leave my side and was asking me If I could perform a breathalyser test. I genuinely could not do it so she had to arrange for a doctor to take a blood sample which she didn’t seem happy about.
I managed to watch the rest and the debt was very interesting especially the letters from the website. I wish I had of known this info a few years back.

I got in abit of debt on a card due to a knee injury and ended up getting a loan to pay it off but not after I'd had a visit from the heavy mob.
Some of the people interviewed came across as people offering good advise while 1 or 2 were staunch activist.
All in all its a good watch for those who have a few money issues and sleepless nights, It's hard not to worry.
The part regarding the Police was also interesting. I was also unaware about the filming in public bit. I was always thought you needed whoever's permission but like the guy said" how do tourist go on ?, no one would be allowed a camera".
If you do send any letters to debt colkectors make sure you send them Royal Mail Special Next Day Delivery then you have 100% proof otherwise they'll no doubt claim they never got it.
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Thats what really interest me the part about when dealing with the cops. im going to look up what rights i do have in those situations because i can tell you from personal experience that they have violated those rights in almost every encounter i have had with the fuzz lol

i thought that they were allowed to just stop anyone in the street and demand their details and nosey in our business, where we were, where we have been and where we going to etc because its just normally how things roll in those situations for me.
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Thats what really interest me the part about when dealing with the cops. i'm going to look up what rights i do have in those situations because i can tell you from personal experience that they have violated those rights in almost every encounter i have had with the fuzz lol

i thought that they were allowed to just stop anyone in the street and demand their details and nosey in our business, where we were, where we have been and where we going to etc because its just normally how things roll in those situations for me.
I thought the same, I thought there was a law on police been allowed to stop and search if they think you were involved in a crime. I think that's were it gets abit sticky. If they think you were involved in a crime they can can't they ?.

The filming of them shocked me how they tell you not to film but you are fully in you rights to do so. this on one hand is good but then you get then anti establishment crew who stretch the law to the hilt.

Say your walking home and there's a shop/house alarm going off and a police officer appeared (which I very much doubt) and they asked me what I doing if you've done nothing then you've nothing to hide so simply tell them. If you say "I am not telling you are you arresting me, I know the law ...............?" how can that be helping them ? Surely this sends out the wrong message and makes them suspicious and likely to ask you your name address all that .
it's fine lines all the time how to approach and speak to someone and what questions. Some people have had bad experiences with the law and it leaves a bitter anti police taste in their mouths. We as the public have to try and help them but on the same token they have to not abuse their power and understand what they can and can't do as I think alot of police simply don't understand basic human right laws which the video highlights.

I mean, the debt/ bailiff guys in the film. The police arrive and stand behind the debt collectors rather than the householder. They should know the law and ask them to leave as they have no legal right to be on his property shoving and pushing or its the debt collector that should be arrested for assault.
the cops are there to arrest the debtor because they know most people will defend their homes if a baliff is going to force into their homes. they are their to arrest the debtor for that arent they?

i do have multiple bad experiance with the cops and will use some of the things i learn from this but yeah not extreme. i will film every encounter from now on. like i said in other post drinking a beer on the way home i would give it a good go but pulled over by the cops for a stop them yeah give what they ask but still film it.

i downloaded it for a couple of mates to watch, i think they might find some of the info in this helpful but they might end up hurt if they try this on lol
I thought the same, I thought there was a law on police been allowed to stop and search if they think you were involved in a crime. I think that's were it gets abit sticky. If they think you were involved in a crime they can can't they ?.

The filming of them shocked me how they tell you not to film but you are fully in you rights to do so. this on one hand is good but then you get then anti establishment crew who stretch the law to the hilt.

Say your walking home and there's a shop/house alarm going off and a police officer appeared (which I very much doubt) and they asked me what I doing if you've done nothing then you've nothing to hide so simply tell them. If you say "I am not telling you are you arresting me, I know the law ...............?" how can that be helping them ? Surely this sends out the wrong message and makes them suspicious and likely to ask you your name address all that .
it's fine lines all the time how to approach and speak to someone and what questions. Some people have had bad experiences with the law and it leaves a bitter anti police taste in their mouths. We as the public have to try and help them but on the same token they have to not abuse their power and understand what they can and can't do as I think alot of police simply don't understand basic human right laws which the video highlights.

I mean, the debt/ bailiff guys in the film. The police arrive and stand behind the debt collectors rather than the householder. They should know the law and ask them to leave as they have no legal right to be on his property shoving and pushing or its the debt collector that should be arrested for assault.

but you have a right to remain silent, ask am i being detained, and tell them you don't wish to be part of their investigations.

i am getting into this hahaha
abusing power. its the fuzz that are doing most of the abusing. i will abuse these powers when and where i feel that any constable lol is trying to violate the rights i have now found out that i have.

i think you have to mention the constable thing when dealing with them because its in the oath or they call themselves police officers to abuse the fake laws they are trying to enforce. lol

i try to edit my previous post but it took too long because i am doing other things and ran out of time
I get what your saying about Police not following some laws bully tactics all that some are like that but there's good and bad everywhere, even at work . I merely saying that, in some cases (not all ) people can jump on their high horse as soon as a police officer approaches them and give the defencive "I know the law, you can't ask me that !" when their doing nothing more than asking you a question. If you've done nothing then there's no need to make a song and dance about it. Now in some cases they do try it on in the hope you don't know the law like taking pictures and filming in public or filming the police themselves.
It's a fine line on what's acceptable by them but on the same token without the public's help and especially now with far less officers out there they sometimes need our help so been anti police is not they way forward. For me it's certain arcadian laws that need addressing and bringing up to date as I pointed out about Bercow using laws for hundreds of years ago
from what i can see on the few videos i have watched even if they ask you your name without suspecting you of a crime they are violating your rights isnt it because it all goes in a report it is gathering intelligence the police do do that. i dont mean like a traffic stop witch it does also apply to from their info. wether that is correct or not depends if i can be arsed checking it out but i will check the others im looking for the qr codes lol

i will decide if i want to help the police depending on what kind of incident they are investigating
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i found this guys videos amusing although i am not sure that he actually gets away with his driving offences as im sure it could be edited notice they are not crimes he didnt break a law because the road traffic act isnt a law.

i think making an allegation against one of the cops helps it seems to be a tactic in a lot of the videos. the user is called thesimpleyes there are short pieces of his videos in this 2 hr job. he has around 10 short videos i think quite amusing

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I watched the first 2 minutes and that's more than enough to realise the guy's an absolute idiot. Am I being detained?, Am I being detained?, Am I being detained?
Absolutely riveting stuff :rolleyes:
These arseholes don't just happen to find themselves in these situations by sheer chance. Wonder how long he was driving around without a seat belt before he got "lucky".

Watched a good one from the US a while back where a couple of know it all's, wearing tactical vests, walked into a Police station armed with a rifle, sidearm and cameras. They were shocked when surrounded by armed Police who then took them roughly to the floor.
They blamed the Police???

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i found it funny but i dont really think he got away with his driving offenses lol asking that seems to put some of the constables under a bit of pressure its in all these kind of videos and civil right activists videos but he does go overboard think i only seen him get away with 2 things and it was a hygene permit and a permit to park his ice cream van in a certian place
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I watched the first 2 minutes and that's more than enough to realise the guy's an absolute idiot. Am I being detained?, Am I being detained?, Am I being detained?
Absolutely riveting stuff :rolleyes:
These arseholes don't just happen to find themselves in these situations by sheer chance. Wonder how long he was driving around without a seat belt before he got "lucky".

Watched a good one from the US a while back where a couple of know it all's, wearing tactical vests, walked into a Police station armed with a rifle, sidearm and cameras. They were shocked when surrounded by armed Police who then took them roughly to the floor.
They blamed the Police???

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they call themselves 2nd amendment auditors a bunch of rockets ffs lol