
Found this dave if it helps

Put Hibernate shortcut on your desktop

Using the Hibernation state when you are not using your computer is very useful, especially if you care about your energy consumption or if you are away from your machine for a while and you don’t want to restart.

So here we have a little trick on how to put the Hibernation button on the desktop.

Depending on your settings, this button can be used either as Hibernate or as Stand-By.

To make sure we are doing things right, we’ll have to look at the power settings first.

On your Desktop, right click and go to Properties, Screensaver and then hit the Power and energy button. Once the new window opens go to Hibernate and see if it is enabled or not.

If the Hibernate option is on, then the following shortcut will put your computer in Hibernation.

If the option is off, then the command will put your computer in Stand-by.

Knowing this, right click on your Desktop, click New and then Shortcut. ( if you want a visual on how to do that, go to my other entry - Shut down your computer on double click and see how it’s done.)

When the new window appears copy and paste the following :

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState

or just

rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState

Click next and depending on your settings that we just checked above, name it Hibernate or Stand-by and click ok.

When that’s done, right click on this shortcut and look for the appropriate icon for it.

You’re done.

You can now test it.