Spurs Life Plan


Member +
Jun 1, 2001
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Spurs Life Plan

Are you over 33? - Are you well past your best? - Are you looking for
an easy life?

Then You Are Eligible For the Spurs Life Plan!! We pay you GBP 30,000 a
week, there's a pointless medical, and no sales person will call (well
you might get a shot in the private plane). CALL NOW! There's a FREE house,
luxury car and limitless golf at some of England's finest courses.
Don't take our word for it, read these recommendations by some of our
satisfied clients;

"When I'm no longer playing, I know my family will be financially
Gus, London.

"I recommend the Spurs Life Plan to all my family" Christian, London

"The Spurs plan supplemented my pension, just when I thought it was too
late" Dean R London.

"The generosity of the Spurs plan is unmatched in the world of pension
finance. It was the best move we ever made" Jamie and Louise, Essex

"Even when everyone said I was too old, Spurs were prepared to
supplement my pension with an outrageous offer" Mauricio, Buenos Aires.

"Despite being permanently injured, I was still eligible for the Life
Plan-year after year" Darren, Watford.

"Tottingham is for me doing it" Ossie, Swindon.

So don't sit there worrying about the future-RELAX-That phone will
Spurs life plan is regulated by D Levy and his pals at the bank, and is
funded by the 30,000 who have invested in the "THFC Season Ticket"
pyramid scam over the last 10 years.