iPhone Apps SpringMusic For iPhone Allows You To Control Music Quickly From Anywhere On The Devic


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Dec 5, 2006
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SpringMusic For iPhone Allows You To Control Music Quickly From Anywhere On The Device - Jailbroken Device Only
Being able to have a plethora of powerful features while also having quick and efficient access to music playback is one of the great benefits of smartphone ownership. Once upon a time, mobile phones would have only come with certain limited features meaning you would be lucky if you got the ability to playback MP3s, never mind listening to those songs on the fly while using other apps. Having said that, listening to music can sometimes be intrusive and can detract from the main usage of the phone.

Some jailbroken users may even have suffered from installing some tweaks from the Cydia store that get in the way of the native music controls that are included as part of iOS and therefore have difficulty managing their tunes while doing other things. The developer of the SpringMusic package within Cydia has obviously suffered from this affliction as he has produced this package to allow users an additional way to access all of the music controls from anywhere on the device.

Free from the bigboss repo

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