SPL aims to reintroduce alcohol


DW Regular
Aug 15, 2005
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Scottish Premier League clubs are to press for the re-introduction of alcohol sales in football grounds after rules were relaxed for rugby.
Lex Gold, the SPL chairman, told BBC Sport: "What has happened in relation to rugby is unfair.

"We believe that there should be a pilot exercise involving our clubs.

"We would take it stage by stage, but the approach to say that rugby fans are better behaved than football fans is one that we would challenge."

Scotland's top-flight clubs gathered in Dalmahoy to discuss a range of issues and the subject of alcohol was high on the agenda.

It follows last month's decision to lift the 25-year ban on alcohol at the national rugby stadium at Murrayfield in Edinburgh.

That move was expected to generate £1m per season for the Scottish Rugby Union in beer sales and lead to increased sponsorship from major brewers.

And it allowed Scotland to be on a par with other nations during rugby's World Cup in September.

The Scottish Executive's new justice minister, Kenny MacAskill, had hinted at the time that it could be possible to one day extend the relaxation to football grounds.

However, he stressed that there was a "legacy of difficulties with football in Scotland" in comparison to rugby.

Murrayfield opted into the alcohol ban in 1982 following fighting among rival fans during the Celtic-Rangers Scottish Cup final in 1980.
Good stuff, though at Celtic Park they'll probably run out or it'll be warm. The queue's gonna be a killer.
really bad idea in my opinion, enough fannies at games without getting them drunk.
Can't beat some beer and football. Pitty if it ever did happen it would be abour £3.50 per bottle, you can get a bottle for 30p in asda.
really bad idea in my opinion, enough fannies at games without getting them drunk.

Too true, do we really want to go back to the days when mindless f*ckwits get tanked up on rocket fuel looking for any excuse to kick the living $hit out of anyone who wears a different coloured scarf?

This is just what the single brain celled scum could do without!!

Of course the DW members don't fall into this category (?)
I always get a few pints before the game, I can't see being able to get one at half time making much difference.
Can't beat some beer and football. Pitty if it ever did happen it would be abour £3.50 per bottle, you can get a bottle for 30p in asda.

they will defo not have bottles that would be an accident waiting to happen people throwing them(might get plastic bottles doubt it thou) it will be about £3 for beer in a paper cup no doubt.
I always get a few pints before the game, I can't see being able to get one at half time making much difference.

Unless you limit it to one per person or 2 max then its not gonna be "one at half time" its gonna be **** that queue its huge im gonna get 8 so i dont have to wait in it again. Thats when the trouble starts.
Unless you limit it to one per person or 2 max then its not gonna be "one at half time" its gonna be **** that queue its huge im gonna get 8 so i dont have to wait in it again. Thats when the trouble starts.

As I understand it, it'll be limited to drinking on the concourse, so if someone buys 4 pints, they're not getting back to their seat until they're finished. I'm sure some people will be happy to watch on the TV out on the concourse, but surely most won't?

I'm starting to change my mind though, just cos it means I'll never get my pie.