Sky Multiroom, do you have to have phone line connected?


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VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Ok was finally going to get multiroom yesterday so rang sky up and they said both boxes have to be connected to a telephone line 24/7 otherwise its breach of contract as its a requirement in the T&C.

The second box can be connected to a telephone line with no problem but there is no way at the moment I can have a telephone line connected to my main box in the living room.

He also said if you had any additional boxes they would also need to be connected to telephone line so would I need to stick spare lines in my bedroom etc for when I get multiroom there too?
Some people don't have a land line and i'm sure they'ed still install it rather than lose business.

Tell them you can't afford to have an extension run to the other room.
He said just you can get a kit for a few quid lol but the point is I dont want a telephone line everywhere I have a sky box. He said its in the T&C but mihgt just give them a call get a new card sent out activate then remove the extension lead from downstairs.

I could run a permanent extension lead but it would mean running it across the landing over door frame drill into living room then pinning to skirting board etc. It is more hassle then it is worth.
I had to pay £60 quid last week to have multiroom installed, he ran the satellite & telephone extension as part of the install

Telephone line was dead that he extended, I just told him it hadn't been working for a couple of days and BT were investigating. Box is working fine
A couple of years ago when I had sky with multi-room, they actually called me to say me second box was not connected and that its in my T & C to connect it else they will cancel the card in 30 days. Turned out I had managed to cut the extension cable during some decorating a few months previously.

Don't know if they care these days ?
I got the sky for my caravan so I did not have to be connected to a phone line
I asked about multiroom they said I would have to pay full subs for any extra box if not connected to a phone line
I could run a permanent extension lead but it would mean running it across the landing over door frame drill into living room then pinning to skirting board etc. It is more hassle then it is worth.

Tell them you rent the house and the landlord said he won't have cables run all over the shop.
Does anyone actually know someone who has been cut off due to diconnecting the phone line?
If with muiltroom, the boxes are not connected sky wont dissconnect you they will charge you your main subcription times how many boxes you got
soo if you got £51 month package with 1 muitroom box they will bill you £102 month,
normally little while before they do this like couple months worth of letters and phone calls .

if only got 1 box in house sky dont care about the phoneline.
I suppose it's to stop you giving the 2nd box to a friend.

I'm assuming it calls up sky's servers every so often to check in? Would these be fixed times/dates ie every 1st of the month?

If so and you knew the times you could connect up for a short time to satisfy them.
My multiroom box hasnt been connected since a couple of weeks after it was installed (about 5 months ago) because my nephew managed to snap the cable that was run upstairs, I havent heard anything though ??
I got a multiroom card sent out and activated it in a spare box. Its never been connected to a phone line. Took the card out and put it straight in a dreambox. That too was about 5 months ago and ive heard nothing as yet.
Think I will give them a ring and get a card sent out... Might need to get Octo LNB and wire for Sky+
Sky do frequently disconnect multiroom subs where the box isn't connected to the same phoneline as the main sub box although they do (as mentioned above) prefer to simply charge multiple occurences of your full sub. If you refuse to pay full subs then they will terminate the sub.

Whether they catch you sooner or later is down to the luck of the draw. Some people will get a warning letter after 2 months whilst others seem to get away with it for much longer. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this - its apparently random.

When installers fit, they are supposed to make sure that all boxes are connected to a working phone and refuse to fit if they aren't (or cant be). Most of them seem to be too lazy to be bothered one way or the other though.
got mine installed 15th june the installers have not connected any of the 2 boxes to a phone line, they also didn't at my mother inlaws either
i have had mine fitted last friday on the full package and a mutiroom box but they did not connect the multiroom box he said he does not know how do a phone line has no phone point in the room for multiroom he said dont worry has he had never connected his in his own house and this person works for sky he said they dont give you enough time to do a phone line aswell has the install he did plug the 1 downstairs in though has its hd box......up normal box...
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I rang up sky on the 10th dec 2011 about sky Multi room and was not happy with them
i rang them to get the sky card activated and they wanted me to have the phone line connected (wich is a no go)
i went mad at them that they could not get it connected by a signal to the box
i told them to connect the box or im cancling the full service
at the end i put the phone down and rang them up to cancle the direct debit and they did not want to know

they said the box needs to be connected to a phone line EVERY MONTH!! 30th ect
The sky engerneer who installed sky said to me (your box does not need to be connected to a phone line as its only for box office and box office events)
BUTTTT i know people who do not have a phone line and have sky multi room and they have not had this problem once!!
so it can be done but i would rather say CANCLE it and get freesat or any other free service as they are a RIPOFF!!