Sir Elton John's joy on becoming a dad

Well i dont think its right full stop.
two fags or lesbos shouldnt be bringing up any kids as they are fooked up as its not natrual so all they will do is fook up the kids heads.

maybe i'm old fashioned homophobic so be it but i am entitled to an opinion
there's plenty of people shouldn't be allowed to have children in that case, what about the children who are abused by their parents, what about drug addicts whos children are born drug dependent, what about all the kids dying in africa?

it's not up to us to decide whether someone else is allowed to have a child or not, this child will have a better life than many.
please don't lump everyone here together, we all have our own individual opinions. why not make a valid argument that deserves an answer rather than resorting to making comments. after all that is what threads are about, having a discussion on a subject, not trying to pick fights because you disagree with what other people are saying. if everyone had the same opinion on everything the world would be a pretty boring place. just because you disagree with somebody else's opinion doesn't mean they aren't entitled to have it. it also doesn't mean that that poster's views are representative of the entire site.
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there's plenty of people shouldn't be allowed to have children in that case, what about the children who are abused by their parents, what about drug addicts whos children are born drug dependent, what about all the kids dying in africa?

it's not up to us to decide whether someone else is allowed to have a child or not, this child will have a better life than many.
thats true but you dont know about these if you knew they weree child abusers you wouldnt be allowed.
i also would sterilise drug users until they were straight.
i dont see the relevence of Africa in debate?
Well i dont think its right full stop.
two fags or lesbos shouldnt be bringing up any kids as they are fooked up as its not natrual so all they will do is fook up the kids heads.

maybe i'm old fashioned homophobic so be it but i am entitled to an opinion

So two people who love and provide a nurturing upbringing and teach their kids the difference between right and wrong are worse parents then those who abuse their kids but are opposite sexes ?
please don't lump everyone here together, we all have our own individual opinions. why not make a valid argument that deserves an answer rather than resorting to making comments. after all that is what threads are about, having a discussion on a subject, not trying to pick fights because you disagree with what other people are saying. if everyone had the same opinion on everything the world would be a pretty boring place. just because you disagree with somebody else's opinion doesn't mean they aren't entitled to have it. it also doesn't mean that that poster's views are representative of the entire site.

I am not, but I was aiming that a the ones who have replied in this thread.

If this was slating blacks would it be allowed to continue.

Most likely not.
So two people who love and provide a nurturing upbringing and teach their kids the difference between right and wrong are worse parents then those who abuse their kids but are opposite sexes ?
no my point is it isnt a natrual enviroment so therefore more likely to mess kids heads up.
You dont get any worse that folks who abuse kids i am not saying that but you cannot prevent that when its behind closed doors and unknown to welfare services /police.
man /woman = natrual upbringing
man/man woman woman = unatrual
So calling people Fags is not being anti-homo ?

Please don't quote me on posts asking questions like that.. I haven't been homophobic I'm just trying to have a valid conversation on what I personaly believe is correct..
@chrono the reason i mentioned Africa is because of the huge amount of children being born to parents with aids, being born into poverty, and dying of malnutrition. the infant mortality rates speak for themselves Infant mortality rate - total(deaths/1,000 live births) 2010 country ranks, by rank

@alba under our current policy we are not closing threads but giving members warnings and/or infractions for posts that we deem to be inappropriate.

so if anyone in this thread has a problem with someone else's posts please do not get into a tit for tat retaliatory argument that results in personal comments or name calling etc, please report the relevant post and staff will deal with it :)
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Please don't quote me on posts asking questions like that.. I haven't been homophobic I'm just trying to have a valid conversation on what I personaly believe is correct..

No, you havent been homophobic, however you have "insulting,abusive & ignorant" in your posts. < Referring to the FAG/Come and give me a roasting posts.

I dont think its right that hes got a kid now, if he wanted one he should have done it years ago,

But hey who am i to judge The kid will be spoiled rotten and have a good life :)
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Afaik elton already has children from his first marriage, which was to a woman.

Personally if the child is loved and brought up then I don't see an issue. The image of a normal family has been besmirged for sometime IMO. I don't see any difference in what madonna/angelina did, and the elton situation.

If someone who was not in the public eye had done this, then it wouldn't be front page news. It's simply the media creating a story.

Homosexuality has been around since the Romans, and if you believe since Jesus was around, so it's nothing new. Perhaps the levels of understanding and acceptability have changed?

Sent from my cave in Wales
Whats up not enough happening over at the rejects so you thought you would stir it up here ? lmao "never come back" ;)
Im sure its a criminal offence now to air such views i may be wrong.

but Im sure its ok here, well it looks like it is anyway.

you could be wrong, but make sure you are right before you accuse anybody of a criminal offense
mmmm who ever mentioned me you did !!!!!

You aimed a comment at me and I questioned it like the guy K did with a Daz comment.

As I am the one in the thread questioning the views of some who replied and you saw fit to direct it to me.

So it only looks like you and others are just plain racist towards gays but see it as being ok
So it only looks like you and others are just plain racist towards gays but see it as being ok

Yeah we're all Racist and gay haters here lol

Have you even bothered to read all the posts before jumping in and stiring the shit ?

Each to their own, they're not hurting anyone, live and let live I say

Don't think the boy will want for anything money wise
So how does that post make me racist or homophobic ? explain ?