World News Sir Clive Sinclair: Computing pioneer dies aged 81


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Nov 19, 2005
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Inventor Sir Clive Sinclair, who popularised the home computer and invented the pocket calculator, has died at his London home aged 81.
His daughter Belinda Sinclair said he passed away on Thursday morning after having cancer for more than a decade.
Sir Clive's products included the ZX series of computers and his ill-fated C5 electric vehicle.
Sir Clive Sinclair: Computing pioneer dies aged 81
Bless him. I used to love my 48k spectrum. R.I.P. Sir Clive
Such as shame, another user here of the spectrum products for many years. :(
What a sad loss. I still have my first Sinclair Cambridge calculator but my old ZX81 (+ rampack) & Spectrum have long gone.
He was years ahead of his time. Just imagine if he brought out the washing machine-based C5 in this era of memes, it would bring a whole new meaning to "taking it for a spin"!!!
RIP Clive, I had many a happy hour playing Avalon, Dragontalk and Lords of Midnight.
R.I.P Clive.
I had the zx80...48k+...128K 2 and 3

You gave us old fookers a happy childhood 😆.