siberian cranes



damage , watch bbc news 24 ,

youre on tv,

theres a bloke running round the feild trying to teach young chick siberian cranes to fly,

the bloke in the white shell suit with the hood over his head,

keep watching bbc news 24 itll be on, rrlmfao

if yer manage to catch sight of it on bbc news 24 give us a shout, lol,

i,m sure you will,

regards scoot
have you been smoking the weed again scoot siberian cranes WHAT THE F@U@C* but i will have a look haha
I try and monitor most friends on this forum and I am begining to worry about you Scoot dear friend.
Seen the Doc lately Good Bud?? Lol
it was actually on bbc news 24 , speccy

some bloke in a hanglider flying round trying to teach these young siberian chicks to fly,

whilst his m8 was on the ground running round flapping his wings,

an they the "siberian chicks" where following him,

ps, check out your star gazing post,

i cant decipher about the last bit my neighbour gone out???

or else theyll put yer in the next bed too mee, buddy lol

an if i have to go off to the happy farm damage is comin with me

regards scoot