Sharing Problem


Inactive User
Aug 23, 2005
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I have a network set up with router. I can access all the shared folders on all the pcs on the network.

I can access the shared documents folder on my main pc from any other pc but whenever I create a new share and try to access across the network it says access denied. This only happens on my main pc. All 3 others are fine

Any ideas?
What permissions are you giving the share? Make sure everyone has read access to it, or you could try giving everyone full control to see if that works.
I gave everyne full control. I have a few shared folders that i set up when I reinstalled windows. They can all be accessed. Its just any new shares that dont work.

Even tried making a new folder and sharing it. No joy
Is it refusing access straight away? or does it prompt for a username and password?

What OS are you using? XP Home?
Actually, you could try mapping a try to the share. That should allow you to enter credentials.

If you enter details from an account on the machine hosting the share here and it works it has to be a permissions problem.
Got it sorted. Was setting up the shares but totally forgot about the ntfs permissions. Duh
and sounds like if you are sharing the folders, with NTFS permissions, make sure you set up the security on your router.. 128 cipher stregth..

And DO NOT share out the root folders (normally c drive)

You may already know that.. but just in case.. best to be safe then sorry...
