Secret Millionaire from Wales visits Derby


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Aug 24, 2003
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A SECRET millionaire who lived undercover in Derby has helped increase the chances of a five-year-old cancer sufferer flying to America for cutting-edge treatment.
Lewis Mighty and his family believed they were taking part in a programme about carers when in fact they were being filmed for Channel 4's Secret Millionaire series.
The parents of the youngster, Jaime and Perry, said they were "floored" after the businessman revealed his identity and handed over a cheque.
Wealthy entrepreneur Paul Ragan, from Wales, also made donations to two other families and charities during his stay in the city.
Lewis has neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer, and has been given just a 20% chance of surviving the year.
The Lewis Mighty Fund was launched to raise £300,000 needed to send him to New York for cutting-edge treatment that could increase his chances of survival.
Mum Jaime, of Mackworth, said: "I have watched the programme before and thought people must have an idea that something was going on but we honestly had not got a clue.
"We thought we were taking part in a documentary about carers and were told that Paul had cared for his ill mother in the past, which was why he was presenting the programme.
"On the last day of filming Paul sat us down and said that he hadn't been completely honest and that he was a millionaire and wanted to help the appeal.
"He then handed over a cheque and it completely floored both Perry and I. Paul was so generous and the money will play a big part in helping us to get Lewis to America."
Lewis has undergone rounds of gruelling chemotherapy, operations to remove the tumour and high dosage radiation treatment in a battle to beat the disease.
Corin Holness, one of the trustees of the fund, hopes that the programme will help to raise awareness of the disease and the profile of the appeal.
He said: "Having a visit from the Secret Millionaire is a massive boost for Lewis and the fund. It's not just the generous donation that we've been given, it's also the assistance that Paul had pledged to help as the fund moves forward."
Mr Ragan, 42, spent eight days living "on the breadline" in the city for the filming of the programme.
The episode featuring the Mighty family also shows Paul visiting a 12-year-old girl called Sophie, who cares for her mother who suffers from Huntington's disease, and 54-year-old Maria Hanson, who runs a registered charity despite her own ill health.
Since the launch of her charity, Me & Dee, in 2006 Maria, who has been nominated for a Derby Telegraph Community Champions award this year, has worked tirelessly from her home in Chapel Street, Ticknall, to provide special trips, gifts and meals out for people with life-limiting illnesses.
She said: "Paul's visit came at a time when I was considering whether or not I could carry on the with the charity due to my health.
"His donation has come at a crucial time for me."
The Secret Millionaire will be show on Channel 4 at 9pm on Monday, March 8.

TV millionaire gives cheque to help send Lewis to USA for treatment

And some infor on Paul Ragan -

This week Paul Ragan of Rhondda-based insurance business Protectagroup goes under the Business Wales microscope.

Name: Paul Ragan
Position: Managing director of Protectagroup
Age: 37
Where you live? Dinas Powys, near Cardiff
Marital status: Married with three children: Molly, seven, Max, six, and three-year-old Aaran
Place of birth / nationality: Newport, Isle of Wight/British

Who is your business role model?
Sir Richard Branson. When you read his autobiography you appreciate that every challenge is met with enthusiasm and sheer determination to be the best - the sign of a true entrepreneur and winner.

What was your best day in business?
That would have to be October 6, 2004, when we completed the management buy-in of Protectagroup.

I have a clear vision of where I want to take the company over the next five years, which includes an ambitious growth strategy, new initiatives, major expansion of the Protectagroup product line and, in the not too distant future, the introduction of external capital for the first time.

What was your worst day in business?
Failing to secure a warranty deal with a certain European car manufacturer, after working long and hard on trying to clinch it.

What advice would you give a young entrepreneur?
Always remain positive, whatever knocks you experience along the way, and never be blinkered in your approach to decision making. Keep an open mind.

What other career path would you would like to have taken?
I would have liked to have followed in my father's footsteps and gone into banking as I've always enjoyed working with figures and sales.

Alternatively, on the other end of the spectrum, I would like to have been a footballer!

Football was my true love as a child with trials at Preston North End, Burnley, Bradford City, Reading, Halifax Town and Aldershot Town.

What was your first job?
Trainee production executive for Golley Slater Advertising Agency in Cardiff.

If you could introduce one thing to improve the Welsh economy what would it be?
To simplify the grant process.

It is currently far too complicated and completely bound up in red tape, which hampers the whole system and can limit entrepreneurial spirit.

What do you do to relax?
I like to spend time with my wife and children, preferably on our boat on the Algarve in Portugal.

Where is your favourite holiday location?
West Coast, Barbados.

What car do you drive?
BMW 4.4i X5

What would you like to do when you retire?
Retiring is a long way off at the moment, but if I had to look forward to the future, I would like to retire with enough money to invest and assist a number of diverse businesses in Wales.

It would be good to give something back to the Welsh economy while keeping my own entrepreneurial desires satisfied.

How do you travel to work, what time are you in the office and when do you leave?
I drive to work and usually arrive any time between 5am and 7am.

I usually end up leaving between 5pm and 7pm.