secret menu



does any one know how to get to this so called secret menu. ive got a box and card from a car booty, and only get a few channels up.
can any one help?????????????? ;) ;) ;) :p :p
press services, then 4, then 0, 1, select. not much in there though. if you put a card in the box and press interactive, go to other services and it asks for a key. havent a clue what it does though, ive got nowhere with it
i herd somwere you can type in a code and get some channels for free, with out a card, so is this the menu to go to or is there another one, even so what do u do in it to get this, as some one must know a person who works in sky dig installs.?????
;) ;) ;) :p :p :p :eek: :eek: