sandals in pakistan



while reading this try to imagine the pakistani shopkeppers voice is like apu from the simpsons.
and by theway its a joke about the sandals not the religion of anyone.


A man and his wife were on holiday in Pakistan. One day they were walking through the markets when a little shopkeeper came up to them and said: "Excuse me please sir may I please have you attention I have the most finest sandals in all of Pakistan in my shop please bring your lovely wife come ,come I will show you" The man consulted with his wife and they decided to follow the little
shopkeeper into his shop. Inside they found a large array of sandals just as the shopkeeper had promised.
"Please, Please sir try them on these are very special sandals known to give you extra sexual powers when you wear them" said the little shopkeeper. The man looked at his wife and she said "go on dear humor the little man" With that her husband slips on a pair of the sandals, all of a sudden a strange look overcomes him he gets a look in his eyes his wife hasn't seen for years, he grabs the little shopkeeper bends him over and proceeds to tear off his pants. The little shopkeeper, with a shrill in his voice, screams out" please mister stop you have them on the wrong feet!!!!!!!