rom10 cant read


Inactive User
Dec 11, 2006
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Opening of COM1 was successful
ATR String: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50
30 31 30 20 52 65 76 41 38 36 44
ROM Revision: 010
EEPROM Revision: RevA86
ProviderID: 54
CamID: 26 21 00 01
Using BD3 Key: 4E 69 70 50 45 72 20 49 73 20 61 20 62 75 54 74
Attempting to login to BD3
Reading ROM10 failed
Closing of COM1 was successful

i want to read my box key and IRD key from this card if it possible. could any 1 tell me how do i read this card for bk and IRD
There's a script out for reading the BK off a rom 10 a86, but not actually opening the card. If you have a T911, Nexus or Ubomb. Try it out. It's by TBC (Twobeercans) and is called BK Pull, IIRC.