Tech News Raspberry Pi launches Pi Store for sharing apps and content


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Jul 28, 2007
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The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched the Pi Store to make it easier for developers to share their applications, tools and tutorials with others using the low-cost Raspberry Pi single-board computer.

Available now, the Pi Store runs as an X application under the default Raspbian software image build that can be downloaded from the Raspberry Pi website. Existing users can also install it using the Apt package management tool with instructions available on the Raspberry Pi blog.

Nowadays, no platform is seemingly complete without an online app store, but the creators are seeking to use this as a tool to further promote interest around the Raspberry Pi itself, as well as giving younger users in particular a platform to showcase their applications and projects.

Anyone can submit their own project for moderation and release, and creators can choose whether to make their content free or paid, a subject that has already sparked some controversy but is defended by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

"We hope that the Pi Store will provide young people with a way to share their creations with a wider audience, and maybe to a make a little pocket money along the way, as well as offering commercial developers an easy way to get their software seen by the Raspberry Pi community," wrote the Raspberry Pi Foundation's Liz Upton.

In addition to binary executable files, raw Python code, other Raspberry Pi-related media will also be offered, including the MagPi magazine.

The Pi Store has a recommendation engine that allows users to rate content they download, as well as a "tip jar" that enables users to reward developers if they are pleased with a particular app.

The Raspberry Pi itself recently got a boost with an upgrade that doubles the memory of the Model B version to 512MB, while the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced an upcoming 5MP add-on camera for the device.

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