Radio 1: Is Moyles still good?


Jul 18, 2005
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Is it just me or is the Chris Moyles show shite now?
I thought he was good when he did the afternoons and quite good in the morning
but since the show's been taken over by producers, newsmen and that poofy guy from wales (what is that all about?) i think it's bollocks
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Think it has just gone sour, he can still be funny though, Scott Mills in the afternoon is better.
yeah scott mills is good. i bet moyles is gutted he didn't think of the flirt divert thing. How much mileage could he have got rom that? flirt divert or .......ermm celebrity tarzan? duuuuuuuhhhhh
I cant stand Chris Moyles : tosser : ....I used to like Mark and Lard in the afternoon though.
I prefer the afternoon show with Edith Bowman! And why did Colin Murray move to the late night show...fair enough it's on his own but it's the graveyard shift! Suppose you've got to start somewhere!
Never liked chris moyles, sense of humour seems to strech as far as taking the right piss out of all the people who helped him to the top on the air thinking he's the mutts nuts. Wish one of them would just have a go back and mug the fat tw*t off the same way he does everyone else.

Back to xfm i suppose , rich bacon is moving up in my books. even posted the pics of himself after he had been beaten up in the toilets of a local pub. Funny bloke.
i think radio 1 is shite FULL STOP

it is shite ...shite dj's (apart from Mills) .. shite music
radio 1 plays the same 10 songs over a over . it wouldnt be so bad if the ten songs were good 1's .
the fuc|<in ordinary boys? why are they even givin that airtime?
I think radio 1 is great personally - by far my favouritist station. As for Moyles, I used to think he was quite good, but now when I listen to him, he is mean, rude and quite frankly a dickhead to everyone. If Chris Moyles doesn't know the person well, it means he thinks that he can be a nob head to them and get away with it. I believe he thinks that his celebrity status is up there with the Beckhams when its more with that rubbish couple from wife swap who think that they're famous.
Whats all this "Scott mills is great crap" he is an egotistical self opinionated T**T who thinks anyone over 25 is over the hill he sucks up to manufactured pop and their creators to keep himself on air SACK THEM ALL AND BRING BACK TONY BLACKBURN only kiddin
oh and Moyles is crap as well to answer the origanal post.
radio 1 has been shite for years now never listen to it a total waste of time
I used to love the chris moyles show on sat morning, but i havent listened to the radio properly (except in the car) for years.