Project PS3MFW Announced – Custom Firmware Tool For Dummies Soon?


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Dec 4, 2004
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Project PS3MFW Announced – Custom Firmware Tool For Dummies Soon?


Firmware 3.56 is out for some time now. While not everyone understands that without signing private keys there will be no custom firmware 3.56, there seem to be confusion why it is the way it is.


Although not a complete book, rms has written a clear blog article about it.

Ok, so no CFW 3.56 anytime soon, but what about 3.55 and lower?

Well, after mentioning by KaKaRoTo in irc://efnet/ps3dev and tweet, this might be addressed by combined community effort to simplify modifying firmwares as we read:

We have just been informed by an anonymous source that a new modified firmware-project is underway: Project PS3MFW.

There are several contributors, some of whom are well-known within the PS3 homebrew community but wish to remain anonymous. However, we were told that KaKaRoTo is playing an important role in the project.

The purpose of Project PS3MFW is the development of a customizable tool that creates modified firmware for Playstation 3 with many great features not available in current solutions. It provides a framework where each firmware modification task is an independent plugin with access to an API that facilitates the modification process. One important feature is that the project will be entirely open source, as opposed to every other MFW released to date.

The tool will be called “PS3MFW Builder”, and it will work in conjunction with several other utilities.

Project PS3MFW is an ongoing project; anyone qualified can contribute.

A release of the PS3MFW Builder v0.1 is imminent.

If the above is true and working, remains to be seen at releasetime imo, but they posted the following screenshot:


I hope they added the hashes for the official firmwares in this application, strange things might happen if you patch a bad source/input file.

KaKaRoTo btw expressed multiple times that it is not his website, but he is a developer together with an0nym0us (which btw also mentioned that PS3MFW will also work with test unit firmwares, besides normal CEX/Retail).

I have my own personal opinion about tools of this kind for the masses, but tell me: is this what you all have been waiting for?


KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui
Your patience, soon to be rewarded : Project PS3MFW Announced «
tweet source


KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui
For now the tool doesn’t support 3.56, but it works and was tested on 3.15, 3.41 and 3.55. I will release more information later: