Prison Break series 2 episode 14

Thanx for the info. I wasn't aware but I will be sure to download it as soon as its avaliable on the net.
Where do you guys download from? I normally use torrents
Thanks for the heads up, I thought it was next week it started. I have missed my weekly fix of Prison Break over the last couple of months. I use newsgroups for all my downloads, I have never used torrents so I cant comment on them.
watched it this morning , more turns than my sat nav

: shocked2 : shocked2 : shocked2
I use can sign up to giganews who are just awesome! then if its just tv eps u want, u can get them from tvnzb...a free nzb site :)

newsgroups are excellent as you will get your full speed and dont hav to rely on other people to download file
I use Mirc to download.. I have to say S02 E14 was orsome, just a couple of more days for episode 15... Cant wait.
episode 16 available ,

pm me

quality stuff
You can get these on torrent super quick - over 50000 leechers for ep16 !

Must say I'm very dissappointed with series 2 - seems like the writers are just making it up as they go along now.
Personally think season 2 is better than the first, but I have always liked government conspiracies.
ive been watching them on yv, tried not to download any. I love this show.