Linux Postfix guru wanted...

Him Her

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
...I'd post the config and log files but if it's a resounding no could save us all a load of time ;)
Erm, sounds like a resounding no then? Postfix is the mail MTA that's pretty much standard in Linux? I have a weird problem with it refusing connections from certain servers. It's locked down on country but I could have an SPF lookup timeout issue (default is 100 seconds).

Sorry M8, was just trying to save peeps looking through loads of config and logs...
When you send email it goes to an MTA (Message Transfer Agent), the MTA forwards it to the MTA responsible for the domain the recipient lives on. So, if you are [email protected] and you send to [email protected] then the MTA resolves to an IP and forwards the message to that IP. That's how email works.

I run a personal MTA so I can define as many email addresses as I need. I have an odd problem with my MTA, which happens to be Postfix. I think I've looked so hard I can't see the wood for the trees so to speak. A second pair of eyes could be useful :)
Ah thanks H i can see it now. Hopefully one of the linux lads might have ideas when they tune in :)
Just in case, here's the relevant part of the error log (mail.log)...

You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.

I've disguised the email addresses for obvious reasons.

If this rings any bells and you want me to post then just shoot :)
Did You first test clean installation without auth? and spf chceck?
Yes M8 - vanilla install then built up gradually to multiple domains and finally locked it down with geoip and spf...
Way past learning. Old dog and all that ! :)

I have a feeling its gone straight over your head,either that or I am the only thinking what I'm thinking about the post you liked above :)

Then again I can be very cynical at times ;)
I have a feeling its gone straight over your head,either that or I am the only thinking what I'm thinking about the post you liked above :)

Then again I can be very cynical at times ;)

It seems you may not have been thinking what I thought you were thinking !

Sorry if so !:)