Police crack down on pubs showing illegal TV streams


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Nov 19, 2005
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A pirate internet TV scam may have cost broadcasters more than £40m, according to Police Scotland.

The force is carrying out an investigation, thought to be the largest of its kind in the world, centring on the sale of illegal TV boxes to hundreds of pubs and clubs.

Officers raided two premises in Glasgow on Thursday as part of the inquiry.

The scam involves setting up TV boxes in venues to illegally stream TV, sport and films from legitimate broadcast networks.

Investigators from the Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) have been working with Police Scotland on the investigation for the past 16 months.

The inquiry has also been receiving assistance from the English Premier League, while officials from Sky and BT were in Glasgow to watch the raids.

A police spokesman said anyone found offering access to pirated streams of live football could face a lengthy prison sentence
Police crack down on pubs showing illegal TV streams
Not something new. Pubs down here have been hit with mega fines for illegal boxes. Few have shut because of it, average fine is over 80k!
Kieron Sharp, Fact's director general, said: "Pub landlords, as well as the general public, need to be aware that IPTV and set-top boxes with apps and add-ons allowing the streaming of pirated TV, sports and films are very much illegal.
"Content theft deprives businesses and individuals of an honest livelihood and so on behalf of our members,
"Fact will continue to work with police forces across the UK to crack down on the illegal sale of these boxes."
They need to concentrate more on catching murderers, burglars ect instead of this shite. You can buy a box from anywhere quite legally. If they are that worried about illegal viewing why not screw a little more money out of the general public to cover the cost of streaming. We only want to watch the odd film and a 3pm football match ffs. :(
A police spokesman said anyone found offering access to pirated streams of live football could face a lengthy prison sentence
Police crack down on pubs showing illegal TV streams

You know the sad thing about all this dodgy TV in pubs ?, you'd probably get less time in the nick if you mowed someone down in a car while on ale or drugs and killed them.

Once they make it affordable to us all then their wouldn't be a black market. The vast majority of the Sky Sports revenue is from selling it to other countries . The Uk market is only a small percentage of their income but we get hit with the highest fee's.
the rest of the world get it for 3 billion , uk pay 5 billion, were been screwed
UK = screwed get used to it
At my age I'm pretty much use to been dry rodgered by the UK and it's band of merry rip off merchants
You know the sad thing about all this dodgy TV in pubs ?, you'd probably get less time in the nick if you mowed someone down in a car while on ale or drugs and killed them.

Once they make it affordable to us all then their wouldn't be a black market. The vast majority of the Sky Sports revenue is from selling it to other countries . The Uk market is only a small percentage of their income but we get hit with the highest fee's.
You don't know how close to the truth you are mate