iPhone Apps PocketMode Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone Means No More Missed Calls Because You Didn’t


Staff member
Dec 5, 2006
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Oh those jailbreakers, they really do seem to have an answer for all of life’s little irritations, don’t they?



The latest rage-inducing occurrence to receive the jailbreak treatment, is the ungodly situation we all find ourselves in on an alarmingly regular basis – you’re sitting there, minding your own business and you think you heard something. Was that your phone ringing? Maybe. Maybe not. You just can’t tell.

If only it would ring louder when it was in your bag, pocket or other sound-reducing place. If only your iPhone did what umpteen HTC handsets seem to have been doing for the last 350 years.

Never ones to shy away from bringing basic functionality to the world’s favorite smartphone, the jailbreak community has once again come up trumps, thanks to PocketMode.

Once installed, PocketMode will use your iPhone’s ambient light sensor to detect when it is in dark surroundings, which, usually, means it’s in your pocket or bag.


If your iPhone decides that it is indeed in such a place, it will increase the ring and SMS volume until you finally cotton on that someone’s trying to get hold of you.

The best part, and a spot of attention to detail that the boys from Cupertino would be proud of, is that PocketMode will also detect when you’ve removed your handset from whence it came, and readjust the volume accordingly.

The app also has an answer for the inevitable problem of someone calling you during the night when, obviously, the app would be forgiven for thinking it was in a pocket due to the fact that, well, it’s dark.

PocketMode’s developer got around that particular problem by adding a ‘night mode’ option which allows users to set a window in time when the app will disable itself.

PocketMode is one of the many jailbreak apps that makes us wonder whether the iOS betas and ease of update really are worth the loss of such tweaks.

You will, obviously need to have a jailbroken iPhone in order to run PocketMode. You can follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.5 using Redsn0w (or PwnageTool), or on iOS 4.3.4 using Redsn0w or PwnageTool (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), or iOS 4.3.3 using Redsn0w, PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze & JailbreakMe (that last one being the easiest). If you’re already using iOS 5 beta, you can jailbreak it using tools like Redsn0w (for Mac and Windows), or Sn0wbreeze.​
Re: PocketMode Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone Means No More Missed Calls Because You Didn

Thanks. Anyone has a link so we can try it out? Its not in installeous.
Re: PocketMode Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone Means No More Missed Calls Because You Didn

Thanks. Anyone has a link so we can try it out? Its not in installeous.

theres a cracked version on cydia through the Xsellize repo
Re: PocketMode Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone Means No More Missed Calls Because You Didn

sorry mate , i just searched it in cydia and there was a cracked version cheers kryton matre
Re: PocketMode Jailbreak Tweak For iPhone Means No More Missed Calls Because You Didn

Thanks. Just installed and seems to work OK.