Play playstation games on my PC?



Can i play my playstation games on my pc?
If so can you tell me where i can get a program from to do this.

Thank you.
u can't actually buy bleem now as the makers were stopped due to legal reasons but try a p2p such as kazaa etc and u should find it.

It'd not perfect but does work mate if you find it.

They are alternatives but this is the most stable, as for XP comatibility I dont know. I havn't tried it for years. Buy an old PS1 maybe less hassle lol.
Try this then. If you have a shortcut on your desktop for Bleem right click on it, and select the compatability tab and check "run in compatibility mode for" . You can select windows 95 or 98/me compatability. Worth a try. I had probs running a program in XP and got it to work this way.

Ok, thank you. I don't have time now but will try it later and let you know.