Paypal Chain Letter


Inactive User
Oct 3, 2004
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This was sent to me by a so called friend, I can't beleive he wasted £3 on this nonsense it must have come from Ebay, i've edited the email addys.


This is staggering. It actually works. The info below is not me it was given to me and I did it for a laugh, but it works do it. Earn money in your sleep!
Before we go any further I would like you to know straight away that this will cost you £3 and about 20 - 30 minutes of your time. If you are still interested please read on.

I keep coming across emails and adverts promising to make me £££££. Yep, I am as sceptical as the next person especially when they are asking for lots of cash up front.

I have come across this business plan before but kept thinking it was a load of rubbish - someone somewhere is making all the money and everyone else isn't.
This is now the third time that I have done this as I have made over £7000 and to date the money is still coming into my Paypal account.

Now I am not promising that you are going to make ££££ in 30 days but I must admit the odds look excellent.

The excellent thing about this business plan is that it can be done by anyone in the world.

This is some of the emails and proof that I came across which finally made me decide that I wanted to try this.

"What an amazing plan. I followed the instructions just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 10 grand yet, I am already up to £6,135. I am absolutely gob smacked" - Alan Humphries, Leicester

"Well what can I say? I sent out 40 emails like the plan said then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it, but I checked my Paypal account a week later and there was over £3000.00 in it!!! After 30 days I now have over £11,000 to spend" - Lisa McDonald, Northampton

"I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my Paypal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to £7,449. At first I thought there had been some kind of error!" - Richard Barrie, Cirencester

Well that's it. I hope that you decide to go ahead with. If you decide that this isn't for you I wish you all the best in the future and please remember you can always pass it on even if you don't wish to do it yourself.

You will need the following:-
An email address
A free Paypal Personal Account (then Upgrade to Free Premier Account)
20 - 30 minutes of your time
Step 1
Ok, if you are not already a Paypal user, then the very first thing you need to do is double click on the Paypal link below and SIGN UP (If this doesn't work you can copy and paste). It takes about 2 minutes. Please be sure to sign up for a free PERSONAL ACCOUNT (then upgrade to a free Premier Account) so that you can receive credit card payments from other people.

Step 2
Once you have your Paypal account, the first thing you need to do is send a £3.00 payment from your Paypal account to the FIRST email address in the list below, along with a note saying "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST". Be certain to add this note, as this is what keeps this program LEGAL. The instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" at the Paypal site. It is very easy.

The current list is:

1. fat_hand@
3. greenevie8@
5. maximcomms@

Once you have transferred £3.00 to the email address at the top of the list (along with the VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE) you should feel an indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty, belief and conviction in this system. You have just proven to yourself that because you have done it, there must be a great number of people doing exactly the same and thus you have now seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works.

Step 3
The last thing you need to do is copy and paste this page (and make any necessary changes), as you will be sending it out (as an email or even advertising on say, Ebay) to at least 40 people. At the moment I am sending this out to over 500 people (I am contacting everyone that I have had dealings with through Paypal). Keep in mind that 40 is a good number to reach. Don't be put of if you don't have 40 contacts as the example you will see is only relying on you getting 5 people to participate. Remember that when you send this out you delete the person on the No 1 spot (obviously after you have sent them £3.00 along with the VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE) move everyone up 1 position and add your email address into the No 5 spot.
When you send out your email, your email address will initially be at No 5 on the list. That is the best position that you can be in if you want to earn serious money. The response rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign for a number of reasons, which are explained later on. As long as you send out your emails to people whom are likely to be interested in this program, then on average you can expect a response of around 25%. But let's be extremely conservative and assume that the average response rate is 12.5%…
If you send out your 40 emails, you can expect at least 5 of those people to do exactly what you did (12.5% of 40 = 5 people). By the time your email address will have moved up to No 4 in the list, and this list will now have reached around 200 people (5 people x 40 emails = 200 people).
Out of those 200 people, you can expect at least 25 of them to participate (12.5% of 200 = 25 people) so you are now reaching around 1000 people (25 people x 40 emails = 1000) and you are now at No 3 on the list.
Out of those 1000 people, you can expect at least 125 of them to participate (12.5% of 1000 = 125 people) so you are now reaching around 5000 people (125 people x 40 emails = 5000) and you are now at No 2 on the list.
Out of those 5000 people, you can expect at least 625 of them to participate (12.5% of 5000 = 625 people) so you are now reaching around 25000 people (625 people x 40 emails = 25000) and you are now at No 1 on the list.
Out of 25000 people, you can expect at least 3125 of them to participate (12.5% of 25000 = 3125 people) so since you are at the No 1 spot you can expect to receive around about £9,375 (3125 people x £3.00 = £9,375)
So when your name hit's the No 1 spot, it will be YOUR turn to collect the money. Over the course of 30 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people just like yourself, who are willing to invest £3.00 and 20 minutes of their time to receive around £10,000 or more in cash. The first payments will arrive within a few days and then they will continue at the rate of about 100 payments per day for about 30 days (obviously this will depend on how quickly you act and how quickly people take you up on this offer and then pass it on). After that time, the volume of payments begin to taper off as your email is removed from the No 1 position.
That's all you need to do! There will be around £10,000 in £3.00 payments waiting for you in your Paypal account within the next few weeks. £10,000 for just 30 minutes work! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your Paypal account!!! It's just that easy!!! I think it's WORTH IT, don't you?
Remember, the 12.5% example above is assuming that 35 out of the 40 people you send your email to will do absolutely nothing except delete your email. However, if you follow the plan correctly and send your emails only to people who are likely to want to participate, you can expect a typical response-rate of around 25%. Hence, the 12.5% example is only given as a worst-case-scenario. Additionally, the above example assumes that each participant will only send out 40 emails. Imagine what would happen if each participant sent out 1,000 emails instead of just 40! Believe me, many people will do this and much more! And as I have already said I am actually sending out over 500 (everyone that I have been fortunate enough to deal with through Paypal).
Unlike many other MLM programs, this 5-LEVEL PROGRAM costs you only £3.00 which is much more realistic and provides much, much faster results. Only the first person on the list gets your £3.00 gift, but everyone in the list will rise to that Number 1 position as thousands of emails are being sent out. No cheating can occur (don't be fooled by claims that this system can be cheated) as Paypal only allows one account per person. Because it is so easy, the response rate is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST - Internet email FAST, and you will start seeing dramatic results in less than one week! JUST IN TIME FOR NEXT MONTHS BILLS!

Thank you, and good luck in your ventures

P.S. Does this sound too good? Well maybe to some sceptics it is. But it actually works, and is worth the 30 minutes of your time now. So, just make a nice cup of tea and get started on it now. After all, you can't lose, but you stand to gain more in the next few weeks than many people earn in a year!

Take the time and do it today!

Bottom of Form
Another bloody pyramid scam. How can people be so gullible?

I wonder how much the people who invent these schemes actually rake in
Think it was a spoof paypal addy as well. Which could be a lot worse! : whip :
I have some time ago fallen for a similiar scam a year ago but to my surprise got double my money back so its not all that bad if you dont want to be a millionaire
earl grey said:
I have some time ago fallen for a similiar scam a year ago but to my surprise got double my money back so its not all that bad if you dont want to be a millionaire
But money doesn't grow on trees. Some poor sucker lost his money so that you could double yours.

: spank : : spank :
totally and only based on one thing and that is greed let the greedy suffer...
Seems to me that these chain starters are greedy - if they started with a pound they would catch out a hell of a lot more people. And lets face it a pound everyone would forget it.