opening bbc cards



hi all<br />Tell me if you can is it possible to hack a free bcc card<br />so all the channels are viewable

Thanks ??

ps who do you contact for one of these cards now?

oo have another Question can i order a sky card for 1 month
Mackers, the question "Can Sky be hacked" has been asked many times before in here, I see you are new to the forum, the answer is no. There is currently no hacks whatsoever for Sky Digital. Maybe one day but not yet.

Last time I had sky you had to sign up for 12 months minimum, I doubt that this has changed.

Hope this helps.
Well answered Cosmoss.

Just to add, subscription cards are for a minimum of 12 months, and FTA cards can be obtained by calling BBC on 0870 243 8000.

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