Old people with remote controls


Inactive User
Aug 15, 2006
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: spank : :Kickassro Why is it that if something doesnt do what you want it do it is broke...

My father says to me, the teletext on the tv isnt working properly i need to to arrange for the tv to be sent away for repair.

i said whats wrong with it, he said when you goto a page with more than one page on it eg 1 of 4, it only shows you 1 page. I said let me see. Turns out that on this teletext software it loads all the pages in and allows you to select which one you want by moving across left and right to select the page number to view.

I explained this, but i still dont think he has got it.

OLD PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY (Not a good mix)!!!!
Damn right, my in-laws are always calling me with a techy problem, most of the time it's that they haven't pressed the AV button or something simple.

Father in-law saw my Kameleon and said he wanted one, I lied about the price and thankfully he's went off the idea.
My mother has on of those Sony DVD recorders with the hard drive built in and was on the phone last night for over half an hour trying to get the firkin thing to pause.

Press AV1
Select channel
Press Pause
To resume watching
Press play

She kept saying "now which is the pause button" "oh dear now the screen has gone all funny" "it's making a funny noise"

Ahh don't you just love them, the silly old fools. And to think she managed to live this long.....

I install big, complicated AV systems for people who have got a few quid. Often they are middle aged and now and again retired. You can imagine the pain.
i know what you mean, my mother-in-law phones up and says the television is not working she is using the remote control but waits for us to go up, guess what she had not switched the television on a the front.

The other one is her kettle it was not working so she was boiling water in a pan, checked the kettle and it was not working went to check the fuse and someone had removed it (no wnder it was not working) re-installed a fuse and all is fine.

My parents are just as bad they keep buying new televisions and video recorders and dvd players and dvd recorders and keep swaping them from room to room and i get a phone call can you come down a re-tune them in for us they have one in each room and that means i have 5 to ru-tune.
Its not just old people it's those that can't be arsed to read the instruction books OR listen when you tell 'em something.. that realy grips my sh*t.
Ha ha, I love watching 'the older generation' play with 'new technology'!! Even when they have the On Screen Displays which literally tell you which button to press, they still struggle! The National rate helplines must make so much money from the people that just can't be bothered to do it for themselves!!
i install tv systems, and the amount of calls i get from people with new tellys to go and tune em in is unreal.

you plug it in and it says press ok to setup on the screen

easy beer money