OH NO The 3 Misiing PINS !!!!


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VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Hi Guys

Was wondering what that other thread was about....lol. Anyway fitted a couple of Wiifree's and just fitted my first Wiikey, thought all was fine until i had unplayable disc....Then remembered i thought i saw someting different about my DRB chip. Anyway pic below explains all...

Shall i risk grinding back and reconnecting pins ? How can i avoid purchasing this type of Wii ?
I presume i am right in saying the only fix for below is to expose connectionson the chip or will a different version of chip work ie the wiifree ?
as far as i can understand, you cant avoid buying them. It has been roumored a new D2C chip is starting to do the rounds, but has yet this chipset is not compatible with the modchips.

LEH123*** are the serials that have reportadly had the legs removed.

I am buying a dremel today to grind away the plastic and expose the pins, wollies have real dremels for £35.

Is it worth it? Id say yes if you think you can do it, should be a simple enough procedure..look at the thread i started about missing pins, the attachment on there should help you.

What worries me is shorting the points on the chip itself. Even the kynar wire i have top 'remake' the connections seems to heavy.
Will definately have to get a magnifying glass and sharpen up my meter lead ends..lol
you'll have to be quick with the soldering iron, but dont rush, use lots of flux would be my tip and you will be fine, what AWG is your kynar? think the stuff im going to use is 26, and it should be fine.

take your time and do not rush!
Whatever is in my pic above. Always used to get it free with xbox chips. I have a flux pen and powerflux, but usually when i play with chip legs it just causes the solder to flood/bridge the legs. Will have a go later and post pics back.
if it is bridging the pins with flux then your soldering iron tip is dirty, buy some tip cleaner. a perfectly clean tip will go a long way to fixing that problem.
get some solder Braid from maplins or ebay if you do join the pins you can soon remove the solder using this.
Got a tidy antec 15w iron but solder only ever seems to stick to one side of it, got a fine tip also. I dip it in flux etc to clean but the only way i can get solder to take tidy is by 'rubbing' it back with emery paper.
Is there a specific cleaner for tips ?
Hi can you say where this wii was bought and when.
Serial - LEH 12341***

Looks like from 123 onwards the chip changes...from what i have read.
yes the one i did was 123417** was only bought last week.
It is possible to mod wii's with the legs removed just a bit more risky as you have to grind into the plastic coating of the drive chip to expose what is left of the legs and join them back to the pads. But you have to be careful one slip of the dremel and you will end up with an expensive paper weight.
someone posted, possibly here? that they managed to reconnect by heating the end of the wire and just pushing it into the plastic on the chip far enough to make a connection with the shortened chip leg. The plastic cooling will then hold the wire in place again. Havent had to do this myself but it might be something to try before having to grind anything away? good luck anyway!
Fez posted that idea here, i don't know if he has tried or had any success with this method, but it sounds like a lot safer way to do one of these chips before you start grinding into the chip.
i managed to do one via this method , 1stly i lightly sanded the face where the les are missing with a little wet and dry 1000s then cleaned with fiberglass pen , then flux pen the area , i now tinned my kaynar wire used quite a lot off solder then i fluxed them up and folded them over in a L shape then placed in line with the 1st leg applied some heat and it took no solder on the iron @ all and a clean tips a must i used a tiny blob of hot glue to each wire so i didnt pull em off the last one was a barstool tbh but it works fine ...
You must of used a lot of wet/dry. The legs on mine are set in cente of chip, i do not think i could reach them via that method. Thought you would have to use a dremel or something.
Post us a pic mate.