New update

7.0.3 I did have a read about before I updated it but nothing about not doing it ? I think I might just get new phone and leave iPhones altogether
I did see a comment about battery life issues on 7.0x so I didn't upgrade. Then someone said they hadn't noticed any difference, I still didn't upgrade. And I still haven't.
Is your battery actually 'dying' i.e the phone shuts down because it's dead, or are you just going by the battery indicator saying you've only a few percent left? If it's the latter, it could just be a software issue affecting the meter's linearity- the battery may have more life left in it than is being shown. This was a common issue with Nokias a few years back & the solution was to run the battery right down to shut-down & then give it a good over-night charge. Worth a bash?