My sat installer has disabled stream from dreamboxs


Member ++
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Isle of Man
Hi All,

First of all complete newbie to dreambox - but I'm quite strong generally when it comes to technology.

I've got a setup of 8 dreamboxes here in my office, all on card share - all on the same IP address with different ports to access the web interface for each (Enigma web interface).

I've spent the last hour trying to stream one of the dream boxes to VLC and dreamView but having no luck - I was then told by one of the guys that our installer had disabled the streaming function because it apparently puts extra pressure on the card share.

Not quite sure if that is true (would imagine it would put extra pressure on DB processor, not card share keys).

But anyway I'm pretty sure the functionality is disabled. I don't have access to anything but the web interface for changing settings, anything I can do to enable it?

Streaming over a network along with cardshare works fine, no problem whatsoever here and extra processing doesnt have any relevance. I'm not sure if you can disable streaming though? What image do you use as that might help. What os on your pc, vista or xp?

If you type each dreambox lan ip into your web browser (firefox/IExplorer etc) can you log in and access each box fine? Example type 192.168.~eg.localIP and gain access to browser menu. What is the benefit of using dreamview? I dont use dreamview myself as just use vlc to play on any pc with firefox is stable and fine for me, full screen or window. I know Bro had difficulty here recently so he may have tips too.