modchips ?

can you point me in the direction of the relevant newsgroups please? ta
Sorry for sounding a bit stupid - do you use 3rd party software to get to these newsgroups?? If so what do you reccomend? Thanks again
I was getting a bit confused then clicking on your link - (have a look)... Heres the "s" that your missing :) Thanks again matey
I agree it sounds dodgy as the Cobra Bios is for the Gamecube Viper modchip.
When I started reading the Wii modchip article I though it sounded all familar.
SO its a fake then??? People must have too much time on thier hands, making fake videos to pretend they can play copied games etc. Hopefully it wont be too long before something comes out as the games are far too exspensive in my opinion.
dam i was just getting prepared to raid my bank account for money to buy a wii

hope this does get hacked soon........ i want one
sorry guys,I did say I didnt read it all lol
not your fault's a scam and people can fall for them like any thing else around the corner......
LOL its only when u dig in that you find that it references PS exploits and gamecube misgivings ;)

Still... I learnt summat about exploits and gamecube misgivings lol, so it's all good :)
Not sure that this is fake now, after watching the video on Wii security. The security is identical to the Gamecube