Margaret Hassan feared killed says husband


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Jul 5, 2001
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The husband of British-Iraqi aid worker Margaret Hassan has said a video tape has been discovered which appears to show her murder by hostage-takers.

"I have been told that there is a video of Margaret which appears to show her murder. The video may be genuine but I do not know," Tahsin Hassan told Reuters in Baghdad.

"I want to know if she is alive or dead. If she's dead I want to know where she is so I can bury her in peace."

Dublin-born Margaret Hassan, who has joint British and Iraqi nationality and had lived in Baghdad for some 30 years, was seized on October 19 while on her way to work at Care International, the charity where she was country director.

Hassan had appeared in video tapes released by her unknown captors calling on the British government to withdraw its troops from Iraq.
RIP if this is correct and damm those who condem the US troops for shooting these insurgents there fecking scum
This is what I meant in the other thread, the only way to deal with these people is to kill them back in cold blood, cowardly scum, I bet Margaret Hassan really threatened them and put a really good fight up :Ha:
Just found this :(

U.S. Marines on Sunday found the mutilated body of what they believe was a Western woman during a sweep of a street in central Fallujah.
The body was lying in the street covered with a blood-soaked cloth. Marines fear the body may have been boobytrapped and called in dogs to sniff for explosives.
Although the body has not been carefully examined, a Marine officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said he was "80 percent sure" it was a Western woman.
Two Western women are known to have been kidnapped in Iraq (news - web sites).
Margaret Hassan, 59, director of CARE international in Iraq, was abducted Oct. 19. Teresa Borcz Khalifa, 54, a Polish-born longtime resident of Iraq, was seized last month.
Kidnappers of both had demanded among other things that foreign troops leave Iraq.

....They cut off her arms and legs and disfigured her face

sick feckers :mad: