Man Jailed For Attacking Intruder Is Freed

No, of course it isn't. Which is why we have to have laws that only allow a proportional level of violence to be applied when dealing with such matters.

I 100% agree m8, and with hindsight the guy maybe should not have chased him up the road and beat him again, had he just hit the guy in and on he's property I doubt he would of been charged, but hindsight is a great thing, I would bet the majority of people would do the same under the circumstances he found himself in ? I watched the guy on the news interview when he was released, he came accross as a normal everyday bloke
I 100% agree m8, and with hindsight the guy maybe should not have chased him up the road and beat him again, had he just hit the guy in and on he's property I doubt he would of been charged, but hindsight is a great thing, I would bet the majority of people would do the same under the circumstances he found himself in ? I watched the guy on the news interview when he was released, he came accross as a normal everyday bloke
I would generally say that it's unfortunate that good, decent people, through no fault of their own, have to find themselves in intense situations, where they end up perhaps going too far. All circumstances should certainly be considered when deciding whether someone did indeed go too far, but there's no question that this was no longer an issue of protecting his family or possessions, or even a case of a citizens arrest, it was simply revenge.
it was simply revenge.

Your dam right it was revenge. But it was done at the time and not a planned assault days or weeks later. So perfectly reasonable given the circumstances.

1 question just out of interest.

Your child or wife is raped or murdered. Do you hunt him down and serve out your own punishment or do you allow what ever happens happens. Where do you draw the line? Would your mindset change if he got away with it in the justice system? or would you still let it go?
Your dam right it was revenge. But it was done at the time and not a planned assault days or weeks later. So perfectly reasonable given the circumstances.
Perhaps not reasonable, but it could be considered mitigating circumstances, which might be considered in the sentencing.

1 question just out of interest.

Your child or wife is raped or murdered. Do you hunt him down and serve out your own punishment or do you allow what ever happens happens. Where do you draw the line? Would your mindset change if he got away with it in the justice system? or would you still let it go?
It's a different situation, though, since nobody had actually been harmed in the original case we were discussing. However, given your unpleasant example, I would think it's a question of weighing things up and deciding if the situation really warrants you breaking the law, and if you're prepared to face the consequences. Cases of such extreme vigilantism are rare, though, and most people look to the justice system to deal with the perpetrators. If someone had wronged me in that way, I've seen enough 80s action movies to at least on an emotional level think that the proportional response should be like-for-like, but it's doubtful that I would actually go through with it, even if it were possible. It's kind of rare that the justice system lets murderers and rapists off the hook.
It's kind of rare that the justice system lets murderers and rapists off the hook.

No but it's often in the papers that they're given light punishment which doesn't fit the crime to say the least. End of the day, you have to put yourself in the position of the victim and ask yourself honestly what you would do and if you know you would have done the same thing in such extreme circumstances then you're clearly human, because every man and his dog should know that if someone were to come into your house with a shotgun in hand the law ain't gonna do **** all for you at that point, it's anything you can do to stay alive. There is of course a case in hypothetical instances where it's like do you split someone's head open with a meat cleaver for whatever reason they are on your property without permission, god no, because it could be your child's friend who invited them in without your permission or whatever or just kids stealing apples from your tree at the top of the garden or whatever....thinking on it rationally it just takes common sense, that's all, just common sense. End of the day the most extreme circumstances have the simplest of solutions, besides you ain't gonna chance the law letting the guy off lightly when you can split his head open there and then for terrorizing you and your family.
Perhaps not reasonable, but it could be considered mitigating circumstances, which might be considered in the sentencing.

It's a different situation, though, since nobody had actually been harmed in the original case we were discussing. However, given your unpleasant example, I would think it's a question of weighing things up and deciding if the situation really warrants you breaking the law, and if you're prepared to face the consequences. Cases of such extreme vigilantism are rare, though, and most people look to the justice system to deal with the perpetrators. If someone had wronged me in that way, I've seen enough 80s action movies to at least on an emotional level think that the proportional response should be like-for-like, but it's doubtful that I would actually go through with it, even if it were possible. It's kind of rare that the justice system lets murderers and rapists off the hook.

Rare in our justice system are really serious? suppose if you call letting people out in 5 years for murder justice then fair play.

If this had happened to me or you? Do you think you have the control to stand back and say "hmmm let me think here for a min. Do I really want to kick the shift out of these wankers? but I may be punished my self or do I sit back and allow them to run off? Im sorry buy our own deep routed animal instincts take over.

I know the example is extreme but I dont think for one minute if your child was harmed that you could be able to stand back and do nout. You put hand on heart, can tell me you would stand back and say. Yes police officer he ran thata way.

No chance mate.
...every man and his dog should know that if someone were to come into your house with a shotgun in hand the law ain't gonna do **** all for you at that point, it's anything you can do to stay alive.
And as we all know, the law allows you to defend yourself and others in such a situation, even if it means killing the intruder to subdue him. Chasing him down the street, and continuing to beat him to within an inch of his life after he has been subdued and is no longer a threat, is obviously not legal.
And as we all know, the law allows you to defend yourself and others in such a situation, even if it means killing the intruder to subdue him. Chasing him down the street, and continuing to beat him to within an inch of his life after he has been subdued and is no longer a threat, is obviously not legal.

I get what your saying. Im just saying that when some one harms my family is such a manner to ite them up and frighting them in that way then the law does not come into it for me. If some one killed my family member then I would not even care about killing them.
And as we all know, the law allows you to defend yourself and others in such a situation, even if it means killing the intruder to subdue him. Chasing him down the street, and continuing to beat him to within an inch of his life after he has been subdued and is no longer a threat, is obviously not legal.

Still though as we were both saying, can you hand on heart say that you wouldn't have done the same thing as what you are condemning if you were put in that position, especially in the heat of the moment ? Because otherwise it's highly hypocritical of you to be so openly critical if you'd do the exact same thing if it was you, and to be honest I reckon 99.99% of people would do the same thing if it was them. And I honestly don't believe you are any different.
Rare in our justice system are really serious? suppose if you call letting people out in 5 years for murder justice then fair play.
If someone breaks into your house and deliberately murders your family, you know they're not going to get 5 years. That said, I would be perfectly happy to see a strengthening of current laws and the punishment metered out, but as I said in another thread on the same subject, that's very different than abandoning the laws to the point where it's just Wild West rules.

I know the example is extreme but I dont think for one minute if your child was harmed that you could be able to stand back and do nout. You put hand on heart, can tell me you would stand back and say. Yes police officer he ran thata way.

No chance mate.
I think if the opportunity presented itself, you could probably have a bit of "fun" with taking matters into your own hands, without having to go as far as to landing yourself in jail. But even so, there have been many instances where various violent acts have received leniency from the courts, if they were crimes of passion, or if there were extreme mitigating circumstances. However, with the case in question, his family was not hurt, and spending the better part of an evening bashing someone's brains in and breaking a cricket bat in the process is just taking things too far.

I get what your saying. Im just saying that when some one harms my family is such a manner to ite them up and frighting them in that way then the law does not come into it for me. If some one killed my family member then I would not even care about killing them.
As I said earlier, morally and emotionally, I can get on board with the idea of like-for-like punishment, but in exacting that kind of revenge, I would be aware that there would potentially be consequences, and I just couldn't in good conscience say that such actions should be legal, even if the specific circumstances might warrant some degree of leniency.

Still though as we were both saying, can you hand on heart say that you wouldn't have done the same thing as what you are condemning if you were put in that position, especially in the heat of the moment ?
I'm quite sure I wouldn't, assuming the media accounts of what they did to this guy are true.
I'm quite sure I wouldn't, assuming the media accounts of what they did to this guy are true.

Well let's hope your stance never has to be put to the test, but I don't think I'll be the only one here that thinks your words and your convictions are two different stories.
The Law is an ASS especially whenin fear for your life or your families life you have to think what is reasonable force needed to deal with this situation.
If someone breaks in your house you can only defend it if they are upstairs, dont think so If some arsehole breaks in your house waste the barsteward he would you if you broke into his of his families.
What concerns me is the victims family, are they as wayward as him if so is this guy going to be safe will he need protecting from them.
We have heard of these tit for tat revenge attacks
Its all very complicated lets hope this is the end of it
With all due respect, guys like that will never learn.The ars*hole has continued with his criminal career, as soon as he was out of the hospital. Untill UK has a Thailand style prison, with 2hrs daylight per day and 20 inmates per cell. These fuc*ers just dont care what they do to law abiding citizens. I reckon they should top it off by only feeding them once a day. Get this they spend more on prisinors meals, then they do on school meals per meal. Oh and every sunday they get roast. Cant beat them then join them, even if itsfor the roast :proud: