Make a swap file on TM600


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
Thanks to mickle026 for this

First off all I dont have access to a tm600 so my advice is a little blind here.

You need the location of your usb stick ie it may be like this /mnt/usb1 (I will use usb1 as an example - change it if you need to) and it needs formatting to ext3 format. You can do this in a linux pc or a windows pc if you have the windows tool for making linux partitions installed (not sure what its called), alternatively you can do it in your stb.

here you need telnet and input the commands in that and familiarity with telnet connection to your stb.

type>mount {press enter}

here it will output a list of what is mounted, identify the usb stick

it will look like the /mmc does on the tm9100
/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc on /mmc type ext3 (rw)

to format it you need to unmount it
>unmount /mnt/usb1


>mkfs.ext3 /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc <-- remember this should represent your usb stick

It may take a while to format then you need to re-mount it

>mount /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc <-- remember this should represent your usb stick

now try to switch to the usb dir
>cd /mnt/usb1

check the directory contains the journal for crash information. It will be a folder called "lost+found", if it has this then this part was succesful.

Now you need to create a swap file on it, you must be on the /usb1 directory.

type>dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=65536 {press enter}

This is a 64 mb swapfile , to work out the size you want its mb*1024
ie 32mb = 32*1024 = 32768 this goes into count=32768. Always use a double of the number before, like 2,4,8,16,32,64,128 mb.

This will take some time and should end with
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
or, however big the memory size you allocated is.

now type: mkswap swapfile

you set the swapfiles filename in of=swapfile, you can call it what you like but its better that it is a name that makes sense, mkswap <yourswapfile> is the next command. This tells the system to use the file 'swapfile' as a swapfile.

Now you created it and told the system you have one, you need to tell the system to use it.
>swapon swapfile {press return}

You can check it several ways
type>free {press enter}

this gives free memory table, your swap file will then be listed

type>df -h {press enter}

this gives a list of diskspace used in operation. If its mounted it will show here (doesnt really check the swapfile though)

You can the put what you want on the usb stick and link it as if it were in the flash /var


this bit is based on the 9100, but explains how to create 'shortcuts' the MMC reference will need to be changed for /mnt/usb1

Also installing more than two or 3 plugins reduces memory and causes reboots, so i put mine on a memory card and replaced the flash plugins folder with a symlink (like a windows shortcut) to the mmc plugins. This vastly increases ram avaliable to run applications.

if you want to know how to do that: (Use at you own risk)

Copy your plugins folder to the /mmc directory
Check that it is copied properly then delete /var/tuxbox/plugins directory

Telnet login to your box (guide in the faq) and type at the prompt

TM9100> ln -s /mmc/plugins /var/tuxbox/plugins {press enter}

You can do this with keys or other folders as well (increasing the speed and stability of the image by increasing ram available to it)

copy keys to /mmc
delete /var/keys

TM9100> ln -s /mmc/keys /var/tuxbox/keys {press enter}

This doesn't slow the softcam because its on memory card and access is nearly as quick as in ram. Replacing mmc with hdd is perfectly possible but is much slow due to disk spin up and latency.

Be aware though that if you do this and use the uninstall addons of UR 18 it sometimes deletes the plugins shortcut (symlink) and you ma have to create it again so make a note of how to do it.

To avoid this problem you could add it to /var/etc/init.d/init file (if you have one, or create one) In my UR18 install my init file at this location has in it:

killall -q inetd
killall -q streampes
inetd /var/etc/inetd.conf
ln -s /mmc/plugins /var/tuxbox/plugins
ln -s /mmc/keys /var/tuxbox/keys

by adding these two lines, everytime the box reboots it will try to make the shortcuts (symlinks). If they are already there it wont make them, but if they are not it will.

As you can see, you could actually put the whole of /var on the /mmc card and symlink that. Be Aware though if you do this, then you definately need to force the creation of a symlink on bootup to /mmc/var or a broken symlink (for what ever reason) will make the box unusable without a serial flash reload