Latest TM600 image question.


VIP Member
VIP Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Cancelling the cancel culture
Is it a new image or update, can I load it without losing my files etc or is it a complete new image?
Basically I want to load it but don't want the hassle of putting everything back on if it is not just an update image. Any replies welcome.
What u would you be worried about losing. As there is nothing to lose. You just have to back up your config files, sat lists Takes 5 mins

Regards Coley
its sort of in between from my experience m8, it installs a few cams, but also leaves your cams and share details there, it erases channel lists and changes SOMe plugins

copy your whole var folder first, just in case
yes done about 5 boxes with it the main thing with the new image is when you scan sats the box crashes. Thats all I can see that is different. I am also running a beta box with a june image on performance wise again no difference

if you are using cccam switch you might have a complicated set so forgive me if if the answer was not what you were requesting
Well I did not no you could upgrade images I thought you always wiped the previous one off and put a brand new on.

its sort of in between from my experience m8, it installs a few cams, but also leaves your cams and share details there, it erases channel lists and changes SOMe plugins

copy your whole var folder first, just in case
Last time i did I that it messed up digi, ended with 2 lots on config etc and was on the phone to you lol
yes done about 5 boxes with it the main thing with the new image is when you scan sats the box crashes. Thats all I can see that is different. I am also running a beta box with a june image on performance wise again no difference

if you are using cccam switch you might have a complicated set so forgive me if if the answer was not what you were requesting
Is the crashing not sorted on new image? I had a channel list so it didn't effect me on the image before last.
if things are going wild, and youre still crashing on a scan, backup your var folder, then do a factory reset via the remote in the expert setup menu, then turn off the power once its complete, hole the up button and power on, turn your tv to the av channel, highlight factory reset and press the right button to reset again

now flash with your new image, then ftp your var folder over again

how i do it is backup my channels using the miniweb first, then the 2 factory resets then reflash

you could just backup your plugins folder as another option to backing up the whole var folder