Kryptview A780 learner


Member ++
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
I have been away from the scene for quite a while and was now looking at getting a cs box. The Kryptview A780 looks like a good choice to me.
Am I right in thinking that I can buy this box from any trader, then flash using latest from internet and with a few other queaks be up and running with plenty of channels?
I was under the impression when these boxes and sv boxes first came out, that they would only last so long, then become door stops, then you would have to buy another. But as far as I have read, I can just update the Kryptview?
that box is still going strong m8 yip just update the Kryptview
kryptview have 2 working and for sale boxes the kv 780 which is an sd box and the newer model the phoenix hd850.
Just trying to get my hands on one for a decent price. Wouldn't mind the HD phoenix, but a bit pricey at mo.
f*** ebay,dearer and warranty? i dont sell but can advise if needed.

i thought the 780 was around £140

dont forget the null modem cable for flashing box.
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