Kazaa Lite v1.7.2

well that did not last long i downloaded this morning but it was quite slow i will look out for another link
I was on it this morn

Ps damage u need more than 20mb in your share to log on you had about 18mb ;);)
yo M.S i started with about 18 meg then made it up to about 24 meg about then it still said you need 20 meg so i added more and after that it did not matter how much i added i just kept getting the 20 meg bit i went back about 4pm yesterday and got unknown address m8
5AM. Just tried it now using Flashget. First time no probs.
Why do not folk use Flashget more often??

Took about 25 seconds to down
downloaded in 30 seconds using gozila but comes up page not found if i try not using gozila ????

the speed up util is fantastic no more slow conections
Originally posted by mickbrush
downloaded in 30 seconds using gozila but comes up page not found if i try not using gozila ????

the speed up util is fantastic no more slow conections
i used gozilla when you say speed up utility is this a plugin for gozilla you have ?????
it came with the download it auto finds alternative sources and keeps the download as fast as posible.
Cant beat using a download manager.
As I said earlier, my favourite is Flashget and I have tried em all.

Ah I see. Just come across the Speed Up icon on my desktop after intalling. Not tried it yet though. Is it handy??
Dont know if many of you guys are familiar with using news posts but I can't strongly advise enough to get familiar with news readers such as Agent or even Oexpress. Broadband is a great help. Get just about anything with a little patience.

Try subscribing to ALT.BINARIES.WAREZ just for example. You have to be quick sometimes because the posts sometimes have short lives but believe me you can get latest ISO's, full CD's, Movies etc before they even hit the market. Cracks, serials included.

PS: Maybe should be in new thread but just checked it out. Here is a few:
VB6 including MSDN(2 disks)
Vob instant
Correl Draw
Loads of Vis Studio stuff
Illuminatus Multimedia Producer
Fractalizer 2002
Learn Keynetwork plus 2002
Face Station

Go for it but patience is the virtue as certian files are not always intact.