is vix image 2.4 ok to use on clone v2


Inactive User
Nov 5, 2012
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New VIX Image Vu+ Solo Version 2.4 15/05/2012 : New VIX Image Vu+ Solo Version 2.4 15/05/2012 Enigma: 04-05-2012. Enigma Plugins: 04-05-2012. G ... [more] (39.08 MB)
For the Duo's I think VIX 2.4 upto build 156 is clone safe, then all newer builds have the updated drivers with anti clone measures. There are later images that have been patched with older drivers floating around as well.
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If anyone has a copy of the VIX 2.4 Bulld 156 Image can they stick it in the downloads section. It would be useful for everyone knowing to be able to use the last known clone safe VIX image.
I've added VIX 2.4 build 155 to the downloads section, tested and confirmed working on my own V2 DUO Ferarri clone. So if anyone with a Duo clone wants to upgrade to one of the last clone safe VIX builds you can safely use the version in downloads.

I also have a patched OpenVIX 3.0 image that works on clones I flashed it to my clone Duo yesterday. It's not an official VIX release and it uses older drivers to get around the anti clone measures in newer VU drivers, the same process as DM800 clones use to get around anti clone protection in newer drivers.. I will upload it to downloads section tonight.
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