is there a box with this specification????


Inactive User
Oct 12, 2007
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Hi Guys.

I have a TM6900 and I would like to upgrade to a better receiver.

Can anyone let me know if there is a box with the following specification:

Must be HD

I have read about receivers that have a cable tuner also..... What is the benefit of this tuner?

Dual tuner.... is it possible to get a box that has dual sat and dual cable tuners?

Be capable of card sharing

Has continuous recording like V+ and s*y+ so TV can be rewound at any time.

Has a realy good looking on screen display like sky or virgin as i think the technomate display is pretty crap looking.

A box that is capable of setting a favourite program to record and then it will keep recording it after it has been set.

Am i being too hopefull here or does a box like this exist.

If the above is not possible then what would be the best box that is closest to it.

Any help would be great.

Vu+ duo probably ticksmost boxes.
Install the vix image.
One of the plugins can be set to do permanent timeshift.
Twin tuner - both are satellite (not sure of the benefit of one cable anymore)
The vix image appears to be one of the best epg layouts around at the moment.
There isn't the same series link functionality. But can be set to "read" epg and record any program with said name or even any program with the description you set.
Only down side is the price - around £375 but that being said it is one of the cheapest of the said specification around.
Thank you for hte great reply m8.

I was wondering what is your thoughts on the spiderbox 9000hd and if the free gift is still working?

thanks again
Sorry, but I don't have any experience at all with sprider boxes. So little time so many boxes.
I have recently done some starview boxes but I would steer clear. The boxes work well and have nice functionality but the servers seem to be over pressed and glitch frequently.
Sorry, but I don't have any experience at all with sprider boxes. So little time so many boxes.
I have recently done some starview boxes but I would steer clear. The boxes work well and have nice functionality but the servers seem to be over pressed and glitch frequently.

thank you for the reply m8.

after much thought and reading through posts i think your recommendation of the vu+ duo is the way to go.

are these boxes ok for a novice (me) who wants to try out card sharing?

Duplicated post.. sorry guys!
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