is seca 2 hacked




Perhaps at last some good news: s*ca 2 might be hacked!!! A number of reports from different sources sugest that that the s*ca 2 system has been hacked using a so called "Basic" or "Dallas" card. Some of the old-timers might remember these cards from the 80`s when they were used for the D2Mac system.
The "Dallas Card" has a Procceser chip made by the company "Dallas", has 2 Flashmemories, 512 kb internal Eeprom und Quarz frequency generator.
The bad news, it surposidly does not work with the Humex 5400 and 5in1 patch. The Aston/s*ca Cam und Mediasat Receiver are OK.

Before we all get too excited, I think we should put our feet firmly on the ground and wait and see if this is really true.......and not just a "wild goose chase" think of all the times "c**ax" has been (not) hacked
sorry m8 i don't belive it is true :(
we all are still waiting :)