iPod iPod touch 3.1.3


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
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The edge.
just got one of these, can this be unlocked or jailbroken or anything to allow free app downloads or anything?

if so, how, as everything ive read says under 3.1.2

also, any recommendations
ok, ive finally managed to download the itunes thingy, after using another computer and mamory stick, and installed it

i have about 60G of tunes on an external HDD, but itunes wants to move all my tunes to my C drive

ive read plenty about this fookin up and everything being lost

how do i get it to either catalogue my tunes from where they are, or make a 2nd copy of them and leave my originals alone?
ok, ive finally managed to download the itunes thingy, after using another computer and mamory stick, and installed it

i have about 60G of tunes on an external HDD, but itunes wants to move all my tunes to my C drive

ive read plenty about this fookin up and everything being lost

how do i get it to either catalogue my tunes from where they are, or make a 2nd copy of them and leave my originals alone?

In itunes, select manage my music and videos manually. Then it wont put nothing into the itunes library. So you can drag and drop what you want onto the ipod.
i cant get used to this poxy thing lol

all i want to do, is drag my techno to the ipod, but its mixed everything up

is there a way i can select folders from my music folder and transfer them over?
just drag and drop the folders into the itunes music window m8 thats the only way i do it then drag and drop on the albums onto the ipod icon thats how i do it with my iphone
just drag and drop the folders into the itunes music window m8 thats the only way i do it then drag and drop on the albums onto the ipod icon thats how i do it with my iphone

Prezacly marra. Digi, your a satellite genius, but a ipod technophobe. lol
this thing is fookin stoopid lol

on my PC everything is neat and tidy, so i highlighted bonkers 1-16 folders and added them to itunes, instead of having 16 folders labeled bonkers 1-16, ive got about fookin 70, all with different names, generes and allsorts, and thats before its been sent to the ipod and messed up some more

ill wait for it to fninsh, and am hoping it hasnt messed up the original files in my music folder, if it has itll be for sale straight away lol

i just manually pointed it towards 16 folders, that was 16 albums, which on my phone show as 16 albums, then inside is cd1 cd2 etc

ive now got about 70 folders, some with only one track in, and everything is all to cock

i got this to see if id like an iPhone when i can upgrade in 6 weeks time, but ill be sticking with nokia i think

this itunes software just over complicates what should be a very simple task, can i disable all the things it does to unsort my files? as like this, i find it shite
Why don't you create a playlist in iTunes or numerous playlists and drag and drop music in them.

That way just go to playlists on your iPod and all should be nicely sorted!
hi digi mate its alto do with the tag , what operating system are u on , if so its easy to do mate or vista , in windows xp u might have to use media munkey,

i posted a how to here mate hope it helps How to tag in windows 7 4th post
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Why don't you create a playlist in iTunes or numerous playlists and drag and drop music in them.

That way just go to playlists on your iPod and all should be nicely sorted!

theyre already nicely sorted though

on the computer, bonkers 1-16, on the dreambox, same, on the media player, same, even on a satellite receiver/mp3 jukebox hybrid i made, the same, on my phone, i drag and drop to the memory card, and theyre the same, on my shitty ebay mp3 player, the same

on this top of the range, all singing all dancing bit of technology, shot to fookin bits lol

i cant be arsed messing about with this that and other software and settings, to get what ive already got, the apps side of it is clever, but the music side, for use with an existing setup of over 60G of tunes, is pants as fook

i may play with it for a few more days, but i wont be getting an iphone after this, i like things that are simple, and just work

but cheers for all the help and advise
ok, i created 2 playlists, containing a total of 450Mb of mp3s, tried to sync it to the thing, to be told i need 24G and should itunes choose what songs to send for me??????

as a toy with all the apps and stuff, its brilliant, as an mp3 player, its shit, i have tried the drag n drop, the playlists, and allsorts of other crap, all i want is my albums, with the tunes inside the album when you open it, just like on my £9.99 one from a chinese ebay seller does, its things like this that really putting me off getting the iPhone
its ordering every thing by artist/genre instead of album type/compilation

you need to edit them in the itunes prog on your comp. Highlight each album and make sure they are associated with the same album name, tick compliation and ad a piece of cover art if they dont use 1. That way you can then scroll through the albums via the cover art. Its slick once you get the kinks ironed out :)
think ive fooked it :(

plug it in and itunes says its in recovery mode and to restore it, click restore, go through all the stuff, it then says network error and fails once its downloaded the update

any help peeps?
Try uninstalling iTunes and then download again and reinstall or try a different computer mate.

When iPod ain't connected to pc and u put it on what comes up on screen if anything?