
My OD card works on some channels, incl FilmFour but on all the SKY channels, E4 and many others it times out after about 5 minutes. It takes 8 sets of codes.

I dont possess any of the technology or skill to sort this.

Is there any sort of card that gets automatically updated, and does anyone know where such item can be obtained.

Any help much appreciated.


[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: agwhyte ]
Hi M8, the best thing you could do is to get yourself a programmer, and by reading the forum you will soon learn all you need to know. I would imagine some of your M8s have cards as well, why not all chip in together and get a programmer between you, that way if you need to re-programme your cards you will have the swag to do it.
There is plenty of advice available on here and plenty of people that are willing to help if you get stuck. It’s really not that difficult M8, have a read through the forum and you will see.
Regards, Tel. :)