how secure are you

Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services!

Seem's I'm ok...
only got my ip..but firewall was off
Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows 98
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services!

just got me ip address...... :)
Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services

Nice one Flash ;)
Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services!
Ideally your status should be "Blocked". This indicates that your ports are not only
closed, but they are completely hidden (stealthed) to attackers.

Service Ports Status Additional Information
FTP DATA 20 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
FTP 21 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SSH 22 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
TELNET 23 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SMTP 25 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
DNS 53 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
DCC 59 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
FINGER 79 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
WEB 80 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
POP3 110 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
IDENT 113 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
NetBIOS 139 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
HTTPS 443 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Server Message Block 445 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SOCKS PROXY 1080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SOURCE PORT 3685 BLOCKED This is the port you are using to communicate to our Web Server. A firewall that uses Stateful Packet Inspection will show a 'BLOCKED' result for this port.
WEB PROXY 8080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
@ flash got these results m8 cheers for that :)

Picked up my IP

Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows XP

Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services

@ Rat Sheilds up has got loads of tests, cool site aswell m8 thanks, heres one result.

Attempting connection to your computer. . .
Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!

Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!
One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Standard Internet behavior requires port connection attempts to be answered with a success or refusal response. Therefore, only an attempt to connect to a nonexistent computer results in no response of either kind. But YOUR computer has DELIBERATELY CHOSEN NOT TO RESPOND (that's very cool!) which represents advanced computer and port stealthing capabilities. A machine configured in this fashion is well hardened to Internet NetBIOS attack and intrusion.

Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet.

Cheers guys

Here's what I got.

It got my exact Client IP.

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services!

I also tried the Stealth scan and every port I have is blocked.
Thank you Flashygordy for this as it's good to feel a little safe.

This is the message I got when I tried to use Shields Up.

Browser Reload Suppressed
For your security, your web browser's "reload"
function has been temporarily disabled
Allowing a web browser to "reload" a page which has already been sent to you creates a "security hole" that would allow someone using your computer at any later time to attain potentially private and personal information.

To safeguard your privacy we have disabled the browser's "reload" or "refresh" facility while you are in sensitive areas of our web site. Reloading pages will function normally once you have left this area . . . but until then please refrain from "reloading" pages.

You may press your browser's [BACK] button now to return to the page prior to the one you were just viewing.

Thanks very much for your interest and patronage.

I am a bit puzzled at this reply.

Jim :)
Garngadblue m8, I got that screen what i did was click "home" then scroll down the page to "shields up" option then you get loads of tests, i think the first screen as elapsed and wont let you continue, hope this helps m8

Cheers Bronto M8.
I managed to get into the site and ran a few of the tests.
I got my fiewall penetrated as all I use is the one that is installed with XP.
I think I need to get something else.

Jim :)
Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Web Server Found = Server: Apache/2.0.47 (Win32) PHP/4.3.3

lol every1 is welcome on mine
ok mines saying it isnt secure but im running za pro has ne 1 got a better one on the hub please
Trying to gather information from your web browser...

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services

Nice one flash try this www.pcpitstop
Looks like i'm fairly secure :)

Operating System = Windows XP
Browser = Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Trying to find out your computer name...

Unable to determine your computer name!

Trying to find out what services you are running...

Unable to detect any running services!

And all my ports show up as blocked in the stealth and quick scans :) but it did get my IP correct, anyone recommend any good and preferably free ;) anonymous proxys.
