high density wi-fi - how to make revenue?


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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OK, i have a wi-fi quote for 20 grand at work and this is to install a complete wi-fi system as we haven't got wi-fi that works, we have BT openzone and it's genk! so i have a proposal of 20 grand for a wi-fi system but some other company has come along and said that they will give me a 100 grand system free of charge and offer me high density in partnership with one of the top betting companies, so for example when you look for wi-fi you get our home page and a free bet, the income wouldn't be so great as they'd be looking to recooperate there fee, probably way before we start to make any profit, which to make a 100 grand back is probably going to be a lot of bets and our revenue would be small so a lot of years with this company maybe.

couple of questions.

what is high density and why do we need it over normal access points that are POE and in designated areas. i like the idea of POE as we can add more and they dont need there own power supply.

if i go for the 20 grand system we can start to make cash but how? maybe get a sponsor on the landing page? how does it work, on clicks?

Don't really want any scratch cards for people to have to buy [openzone is rubbish] so not sure if we just want to allow free access or maybe charge some how, maybe via credit/debit card or maybe paypal.....

if juniors and kids log on i don't really wany to be sending them to a betting shop via wi-fi! so this worries me.

Would we supply the band width via our own ADSL or dedicated pipe, dedicated pipes are costly and expensive but service time is 2 hours unlike the ADSL that we have....

any ideas guys on the few questions i've rasied?

i know a can set up a wi-fi spot here at home using the router, sputnik i think it's called and that will make revenue via how many clicks on sponsors, actually i might set it up and see how it all works, just never got round to it.

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